2022 LB Wesley Bissainthe

We were asked the other day whether we wanted CIS to get involved with the NIL game.

I personally don't think we'd ever have the weight to be a player there - but we do have extensive experience collecting donations for billboards. ;)

Why not do this in the neighbourhood of every local prospect when they sign their NLI? @Andrew
I rather give the signee a NIL

So is Wes enrolled and on campus? I know Moss, Nyjalik, portal OL from Oregon and apparently Jacurri. Anyone else confirmed?
We were asked the other day whether we wanted CIS to get involved with the NIL game.

I personally don't think we'd ever have the weight to be a player there - but we do have extensive experience collecting donations for billboards. ;)

Why not do this in the neighbourhood of every local prospect when they sign their NLI? @Andrew
Why do people think any money at all wouldn't make a difference?

I mean, is CIS 8k a year gonna affect a 5 star like Perkins who will get north of 200k? Nah.

But can it help with a player like Pyburn or Moten? Absofckinlutly it can.

Remember, a CIS NIK isn't the only one that player will get necessarily. Its in addition to.