Wonder if Sam's injury changed the likelihood of him coming back next year, which in turn effected the staff's approach towards Castro. Alternatively, maybe Atkinson is effecting the calculus, idk.
I continue to believe though, that Dayton was Castro's #1 and they pulled his offer after Washington committed, which begs the question, how much separation was/is there between #2 (seemingly Providence) and #3 (us)?
Listening to the media day press conference from a couple days ago (full presser: ), Jim wasn't as forceful in saying that none of the seniors were coming back as Barry made it sound in an article a couple weeks ago. If I'm Jim, I'm doing whatever it takes to keep Nysier around another season. That would really help in balancing the classes and would drastically lessen our reliance on freshman bigs next year. Having senior Nysier, junior Deng, and a frosh big would be a pretty solid rotation.
One non-basketball thing that stood out to me from the press conference was how charismatic Rodney is. Susan asked one of her usual directionless questions that took five different turns and wrapped up without asking anything in particular, and Rodney handled it like a seasoned politician. Even bought himself some time to come up with a coherent answer by starting with, "That's an excellent question Susan..." which made me bust out laughing. Rod's a terrible basketball player, but he'd make a pretty good color guy for the ACC network when his playing career is done. Meanwhile, Brooks could barely get three words out of his mouth without stumbling. Quite the contrast.