2020 Recruiting.

If true and I have no reason not to believe the accuracy of your statement then I would have to wonder why Coach L would not allow Scottie to handle the ball as if you watch him play, he normally facilitates the offense for every team he plays on. More of a point forward than a point guard but the offense generally runs through him.

Give Leonard Hamilton credit for sealing the deal. I guess Oregon said no also to Scottie's point guard request. It is sad because Scottie is not asking to do something he has not proven he can do. For a kid his size, he handles the ball extremely well. I would have supported his request or given him the ability to facilitate the offense.

Scottie would've played had ball handling responsibilities wherever he went.

That's a really slim board. Don't like putting all our eggs in two baskets. I don't think either of those guys are sure thing to Miami. We miss on either one this class turns ugly real quick and we go into scramble mode.

Yes and no.

Our board is somewhat slim as you would prefer to see Miami have about 8-10 seniors officially visit during a recruiting year. They still have time to make that happen. However, as you start to get commitments or a good feeling a kid will commit then some of those visits are not needed. Mainly because the later visitors are your second and third options.

With that being said, Miami needs to do some in-home visits and high school visits to Earl Timberlake and Andre Curbelo immediately. I fully expect to see that happen this week. Those two guys should be told and made to feel like they are priority commitments for Miami. Which they are.

You make a good point but this is how fluid the situation is. It neither commit, the recruiting board is terrible and the coaches are clueless. When both commit, the coaches did a great job and Miami basketball recruiting is trending in the right direction. It is really that simple.

Projected roster for 2020-21 season:


PG Chris Lykes
SG Harlond Beverly
SF Kam McGusty
PF Sam Wardeenburg
C Rodney Miller


PG Isaiah Wong
SF/PF Matt Cross (2020 Commit)
SF/PF Anthony Walker
C Deng Gak and Nysier Brooks

Looking at the roster, adding and starting Earl Timberlake could allow Kam to move to SG and that would allow Harlond to come off the bench. Or if the starting lineup remains then Andre Curbelo would be the PG off the bench while Isaiah plays some shooting guard. Those two guys would give the coaches more flexibility with the roster. Along with some much needed depth for the first time in 6 years.

Looking ahead, those two are huge priorities for Miami along with another SG for the 13th and last scholarship. The irony is that Miami will have 5 seniors on the roster for next season so the coach will need to add 5 players (preferably freshman) to the roster for the 2021-22 season.
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Earl Timberlake prediction?

It's pretty difficult to get a read on Earl Timberlake's recruitment right now. The five-star wing canceled his visit to North Carolina last week and is done with all of his college visits. He has been to the campuses at Miami, Pitt, Providence, Seton Hall and South Carolina. That we know. Where will he land? Your guess is as good as mine.

In the summer, South Carolina was discussed as the leader. In August, Providence and Seton Hall were thought to be out in front. The latest that I have gathered has involved Miami. However, none of the five finalists have a great feel for which way Timberlake might be leaning. I will predict Miami for now but that could definitely change between now and when he makes a decision.

This is good news that Miami is the prediction but it needs to become great news after he commits. The coaches needs to make him a priority.
That's a really slim board. Don't like putting all our eggs in two baskets. I don't think either of those guys are sure thing to Miami. We miss on either one this class turns ugly real quick and we go into scramble mode.

Very slim. Keep in mind, as it has essentially every other year, someone will likely get thrown out or transfer out.

As it is, we’re recruiting like we may have one ship open/remaining next year (almost too picky) and several commits. Instead we should be recruiting as if they’re going to be 3 open ships (after our current commit) and we need to have 7-10 targets (who are coming or came for an OV) for said open ships.
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Miami should go in-state 3 star kid with the 13th and last scholarship with the intentions on him taking a redshirt year for the 2020-21.

Here is someone who would fit that criteria.

The UConn folks said the same type things about us when we signed Durand Scott. Did you ever really think Scottie was a UM lock? Reportedly, what convinced Scottie to pick FSU over Oregon was Leonard promising Scottie that he could play PG, the position he believes is where he needs to play in the NBA.

Confirmed. Great job breaking the news.

Hard to believe any coach in Scottie's final group wouldn't have said "yes" to the idea of him playing PG. I guess Leonard could have "guaranteed" it when the others just said they'd be open to it? Who knows? Or, in the end, perhaps Scottie just wanted to play for Leonard.

Leonard is the only current college coach I ever met (several times in the early 90s). As anyone else who has had the pleasure can vouch for, he's a very engaging/charming guy when he wants to be. I can see why Joe B. Hall made him his prime recruiter at Kentucky.

An interesting story on how I spent some time with LH. In those early years at UM, Leonard would "host" a get-together at away games for UM alumni in the area. Living in DC, for me that meant every year when we played Georgetown in Big East competition at the now-demolished Capital Centre.

The two "receptions" I recall were both on late Saturday mornings, a couple hours before the 1 pm game. Leonard made himself "available" to UM alums in one of the Cap Centre meeting rooms. My recollection was there were never more than maybe a dozen of us (at most) attending, so plenty of time to eat some snacks and chat. Wonder if any other UM coach ever thought of doing that?
Hard to believe any coach in Scottie's final group wouldn't have said "yes" to the idea of him playing PG. I guess Leonard could have "guaranteed" it when the others just said they'd be open to it? Who knows? Or, in the end, perhaps Scottie just wanted to play for Leonard.

Leonard is the only current college coach I ever met (several times in the early 90s). As anyone else who has had the pleasure can vouch for, he's a very engaging/charming guy when he wants to be. I can see why Joe B. Hall made him his prime recruiter at Kentucky.

An interesting story on how I spent some time with LH. In those early years at UM, Leonard would "host" a get-together at away games for UM alumni in the area. Living in DC, for me that meant every year when we played Georgetown in Big East competition at the now-demolished Capital Centre.

The two "receptions" I recall were both on late Saturday mornings, a couple hours before the 1 pm game. Leonard made himself "available" to UM alums in one of the Cap Centre meeting rooms. My recollection was there were never more than maybe a dozen of us (at most) attending, so plenty of time to eat some snacks and chat. Wonder if any other UM coach ever thought of doing that?

Thanks for sharing and that is a great idea.
Lucky, like a lot of "promotional" ideas that UM has tried over the years, I think the one I wrote about "petered" out as well. My guess is that the small turnouts probably turned off the Ath Dept to continuing. I mean, the arena didn't charge very much for the room and, what could some fruit, nuts, donuts and orange juice have run? Not much. Leonard seemed to be enjoying himself. But ... I'm sure the poor attendance (there were/are many UM alums in the Greater DC-Baltimore area -- certainly enough to have expected many more to come out) was enough to make them rethink the idea.

Was trying to think of other similar ideas. I think there was a "cheap ticket" promotion with Publix at some point, and didn't Coach L (or was it Haith?) actually deliver pizzas to students in their dorm rooms? Also, a free pizza Saturday lunch for a 1 pm game that unfortunately competed with some other campus event (that ended up cutting into the hoops crowd). They HAVE tried now and then.
So ... with Barnes, FSU's 2020 class has a 5 star, and two 4 stars. Plus, I think they are still in the running for the #3 player in the nation (#1 SG), Jalen Green.
So ... with Barnes, FSU's 2020 class has a 5 star, and two 4 stars. Plus, I think they are still in the running for the #3 player in the nation (#1 SG), Jalen Green.

They aren't getting Green, but they are recruiting very well.
Hard to believe any coach in Scottie's final group wouldn't have said "yes" to the idea of him playing PG. I guess Leonard could have "guaranteed" it when the others just said they'd be open to it? Who knows? Or, in the end, perhaps Scottie just wanted to play for Leonard.

Leonard is the only current college coach I ever met (several times in the early 90s). As anyone else who has had the pleasure can vouch for, he's a very engaging/charming guy when he wants to be. I can see why Joe B. Hall made him his prime recruiter at Kentucky.

An interesting story on how I spent some time with LH. In those early years at UM, Leonard would "host" a get-together at away games for UM alumni in the area. Living in DC, for me that meant every year when we played Georgetown in Big East competition at the now-demolished Capital Centre.

The two "receptions" I recall were both on late Saturday mornings, a couple hours before the 1 pm game. Leonard made himself "available" to UM alums in one of the Cap Centre meeting rooms. My recollection was there were never more than maybe a dozen of us (at most) attending, so plenty of time to eat some snacks and chat. Wonder if any other UM coach ever thought of doing that?
This is complete conjecture, but they also could have been more aggressive in pushing it or tailoring their presentations to that effect. There is a big difference between saying ok and selling making it a known intention. In either case, it sounds like Coach L and company simply got out-recruited in this one.
This is complete conjecture, but they also could have been more aggressive in pushing it or tailoring their presentations to that effect. There is a big difference between saying ok and selling making it a known intention. In either case, it sounds like Coach L and company simply got out-recruited in this one.
You might very well be right, especially since PG is NOT a position of need for the Canes (even less so if we land Curbelo). With Lykes, Wong and Curbelo, even if Scottie is the best of the lot, you've got a real log jam wanting to play the 1, while the 4/5 positions go begging..
You might very well be right, especially since PG is NOT a position of need for the Canes (even less so if we land Curbelo). With Lykes, Wong and Curbelo, even if Scottie is the best of the lot, you've got a real log jam wanting to play the 1, while the 4/5 positions go begging..

I think the language is being misrepresented. Playing point guard and facilitating the offense are similar yet different ideas. Scottie can facilitate the offense meaning bring the ball up the court, call the plays and get everyone involved but that does not mean he has to be the lone ball handler on the court as a point guard would normally be.

It is a very interesting conversation. If I were a coach, I would tell him point guard and point forward are essentially the same thing and yes, if you commit then the offense will run through you and the ball will be in your hands during most of the game. I would sell him on learning how to play with the ball and off the ball. It is not a stretch as anyone who has watched Scottie play knows he has always facilitated the offense on the team he plays with.
I'd have told Scottie, "At your size and with your distributing and 'starting the break' ball skills, you can be our Magic Johnson if you show you're up to it." Let it go at that. Of course, Scottie is of an age where he may well never have heard of Magic.

One thing that may have hurt us is that we have not generally (except for the Larkin teams) been a fast-breaking team. Most players out of HS want to "play fast," not 90% in half-court sets.

Does Illinois have a good chance to sign Adam Miller and Andre Curbelo for the class of 2020?

Yes, a very good shot. While I don’t think they are the clear leader for Andre Curbelo or Adam Miller, I also believe that they sit within a top-two or three for each. For Curbelo, most of the talked has centered around Miami, Oregon and the Illini. I will stamp the Hurricanes as the favorite, but Illinois is not far behind. Assistant coach Orlando Antigua has done a great job of recruiting Curbelo and will definitely have them in it until the very end.

On the other hand, Miller has been their top target in the 2020 class for the past year or so. The in-state prospect attended the same high school and played for the same travel program as current sophomore standout Ayo Dosunmu. Arizona State currently boasts my FutureCast selection, but I am not too far off from switching that to Illinois. Assistant coach Chin Coleman has done a great job of developing strong in-roads to Miller and his family.

Landing both would be tremendous for the Illini but I would expect one to say ‘yes’ to Brad Underwood.

Good news. Being the favorite is good but getting a commitment would be much better. The coaches need to make Andre Curbelo and Earl Timberlake a priority.