wait wtf is this fr cuz he's a lock. Does anyone have a link or interview because i find that hard to believe
There's nothing on the Gayturd board. I also find it hard to believe. There's a poster on here who knows his Dad. [MENTION=7142]Docholliday03[/MENTION]
Yea I'm calling bull**** on the Oregon writer. Just spoke to his dad yesterday morning and nothing like this came up. Sounds like another recruiting writer looking for clicks. SR and I had a discussion a fee weeks ago about these sites twisting words. Oregon came up specifically even then. The UF fluff pieces they have been writing too.
Kid is all Cane. JR, SR, and grandad just went to the last scrimmage and had a blast. Dad is a huge can fan and is knowledgeable about the team. Kool is recruiting him personally and has things taken care of.