2018 is THE CLASS

Yes, yes -- I know. We say it every year: "Next year's class is better anyway". But maan...

2018 is the class that will put us over the top and back to the elite status where we belong b giving us the kind of freakish depth the U is known for.

Mark Pope, Hightower, and Lingard are the definition of must-gets. They honestly are worth going on probation again if we gotta drop a couple of bags.

We already know about the stacked DB's in our backyard.

We gotta do work in recruiting next cycle for sure.

So was 2013, 14, 15, 16, and now 17. Can't keep looking at future classes. Pretty sure OSU, Bama, FSU, or U-M is not worried about next year classes. It's all bout the now

Absolutely. Again, you need to worry about your current class AND current players (we need Kaaya and Njoku back) I said as much in one of those Nick Roberts threads when ppl were like "2018 class is loaded at db!!!! We only need 4 DBs!!! Campbell and Blades coming!!!"

A bird in hand is better than 2 in the Bush to quote another poster .

What I'm saying here is that 2018 class has a caliber of athlete we haven't seen in a few cycles down here. There hasn't been a RB of Lingards quality in our backyard since maybe Cook. We haven't seen the level of 2018 dbs since god knows when. The WR class is ridiculous.

No one's saying close up shop on 2017. Recruit every position and take more than what you need it there's a quality player (I still think we need another lb, de, and dt) I'm saying make sure We bring our A game next season to recruiting bc those are some potential game changers we can't lose.

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It's not too early to be thinking about 2018 recruiting, it's just around the corner. Obviously we still have holes in this class that need to be filled and that's the priority, but that doesn't mean we should ignore the potential of the 2018 class till February.

I still think we close out this class strong. But it absolutely will help that Richt and the staff have had more time to build relationships with the 2018 class. We're playing chess now, we have to remember that.

With all that being said, both Pete and Tweed have said Lingard isn't coming here, so I would not get my hopes up on him, unfortunately. But that doesn't mean the class won't be elite, we have to stay measured, especially in recruiting. There are ups and downs, we just have to ride it out.