2018 Espn 300 1st edition released.

Scout has him as the #5 WR in the country next year (and I think the top in Florida)...

I think we lead for him, too...

How good is Xavier Williams ? What does he project as ?

He's elite, I know he likes us a lot, but if im not mistaken an article came out recently that was posted on this site where he said that his mom wanted him to look at out of state schools to get a way from "bad influences" which as we know is ****ing bull****

He's a monster. I don't believe the second part to be true.

Looks like another UM-Bama battle.

Its true.

You can't play football on a track scholarship. As soon as you play football it changes to one of your 85 scholarships.

They closed that loop hole.

You can still stash "potential" football players and convert them when needed right? ...Meaning the can practice with the team just not play in a game right?

No, the minute they step on the practice field his track schollie turns into a football one.

Only if he was recruited for football. If he was only recruited for track, the scholly doesn't convert until he plays a game.
You can't play football on a track scholarship. As soon as you play football it changes to one of your 85 scholarships.

They closed that loop hole.

You can still stash "potential" football players and convert them when needed right? ...Meaning the can practice with the team just not play in a game right?

No, the minute they step on the practice field his track schollie turns into a football one.

Only if he was recruited for football. If he was only recruited for track, the scholly doesn't convert until he plays a game.

That's what it thought. It's essentially the same as the "redshirt rule"
Man trinity with another top corner

Tyreke Johson (the brother of former NOLE QB Deandre Johnson who was kicked off team) will more than likely be a 5 * guy he's been a starter since 8/9 grade at Trinity and a 7v7 and camp stand out..

I watched him play last year and straight LOCK DOWN Eddie McDoom who ended up at Michigan and held a ton of other offers. That kid is ridiculously good.
Man trinity with another top corner

Did we recruit Kevin Toliver From there??

LOL --- Come on meow. Would you come play for Golden and his weird, autistic DB coach (can't remember his name).

Paul Williams...most clueless coach. How did he even get into the business yet alone Miami. images.webp
Man trinity with another top corner

Did we recruit Kevin Toliver From there??

LOL --- Come on meow. Would you come play for Golden and his weird, autistic DB coach (can't remember his name).

Paul Williams...most clueless coach. How did he even get into the business yet alone Miami. View attachment 37107

People clown ole Paul but that dude is still laughing all the way to the bank. He must be highly respected in the coaching circle because Lovie Smith scooped him up to coach his secondary. And Lovie dont play about his defense. (shrugs) Maybe he just didnt fit what we are here at UM. I dont know.
Man trinity with another top corner

Did we recruit Kevin Toliver From there??

LOL --- Come on meow. Would you come play for Golden and his weird, autistic DB coach (can't remember his name).

Paul Williams...most clueless coach. How did he even get into the business yet alone Miami. View attachment 37107

People clown ole Paul but that dude is still laughing all the way to the bank. He must be highly respected in the coaching circle because Lovie Smith scooped him up to coach his secondary. And Lovie dont play about his defense. (shrugs) Maybe he just didnt fit what we are here at UM. I dont know.

Pretty sure Paul got hired by the old coach before they got Lovie.
You can't play football on a track scholarship. As soon as you play football it changes to one of your 85 scholarships.

They closed that loop hole.

You can still stash "potential" football players and convert them when needed right? ...Meaning the can practice with the team just not play in a game right?

No, the minute they step on the practice field his track schollie turns into a football one.

Only if he was recruited for football. If he was only recruited for track, the scholly doesn't convert until he plays a game.

That's what it thought. It's essentially the same as the "redshirt rule"

The track scholly trick is no longer a trick. Hasn't been for a loooong time. It can only workif the kid redshirts his first football season, so he counts as a track scholly. The second he plays that next season, the scholly switches to the higher revenue sport = football. The only benefit of this is if the staff wants one extra kid in this cycle than they have room for. The down side is that it reduces the # of kids we have room for the following year by one. There is very little benefit from doing this anymore.

Alll our Commits for 2018 got knocked down in rankings litterly all of them LOL