Are you saying Gio Bernard was borderline? The kid was a stud from peewee to the pros and everybody recruited him.
If he was so good( which everyone knows now) why did uf, fsu, Mia not recruit him heavily. ???
I wasn't talking about college. I was talking about high school. Everybody knew he was a future pro and everyone recruited him. As usual back in those days, STA won that one.
Soo, you telling me the big three recruited him hard?because as you said, everyone knew he was a future pro. But he choose Carolina?
I'll lie to my friends, you lie to your friends, but let's don't lie to each other.
All the colleges wanted Gio, too. Gio wanted to get away from home and go somewhere with a good academic reputation. Not every highly rated player will stay close to home. No matter how hard the local schools recruit him.
I don't believe you. No fla school made him a priority especially early in his recruiting