2014 mock class

no way. class will be about 12 or so. believe dat. we gon get got.

Clueless post even for a troll. Even in the worst case sanctions, they're only going to take up to 5 scholarships per year. They never take more than that per class. So we should be able to sign at least 20 guys not counting EE who would count to the 2013 class.

And Duval, you keep saying "we" as if you are one of us yet your posts don't seem to make you out as if you're on our side here. You're either with us or against us. And if you're going to troll, at least put some thought into it.

yet you responded.....

anyway, i'm not the one with my head in the sand. we gon get got! repeat NCAA offender buddy

I responded? So troll successful on your part huh? You just outed yourself. Not that it was needed. Congrats.

actually, the only one "outed" is you. you just showed your smarts. YOU say i'm trolling but YOU respond.

think about that for a minute....