Gonzaga has gone out and beaten some good teams OOC this season. In previous seasons, I would have agreed with you, but this team has legit Power Conference talent on the roster, thanks to transfers. This isn't a cute little midmajor program anymore, Few is starting to become a less controversial version of Tark, they are just freakishly dominant, and they do it against everyone. By the way, that Arizona team that you are bragging about, Gonzaga already beat them, they've also beaten a solid Florida, and an always dangerous Iowa State. That's not a bad haul, and two wins over SMC doesn't hurt either.
The last West Coast team to win a National Championship was Arizona in 1997. And since UCLA won in '75...only 3 West Coast champions including that Arizona team...3 times in the past 41 years. Put Gonzaga in the ACC and they would most likely have a few in conference losses already. St. Mary's college two times a year doesn't compare to the everyday schedule in the ACC...there are no "off" games.
The main difference between this Gonzaga team and the Tark UNLV teams is that they played anyone, anywhere, at anytime. They played Kansas, Oklahoma, Iowa, Arkansas, Temple, LSU, NC State, Oklahoma St., Arizona, and Louisville just in the '90-'91 season alone. That is a who's who of that era. The Gonzaga schedule does not compare. Notice how many non-conference West Coast teams UNLV played? That is why they went far in the tournaments...3 Final 4's from '87-'91 and a Championship.