Nobody here understands how it works. They don’t get the bucket concept. It’s useless even trying to explain it to these dopes. And the ones saying we have all this money are just dumb. When other schools have double or triple the athletic revenue.
It’s like telling a startup company they have to invest the same amount on R&D as a company like Apple. We just have some limited thinkers here.
Love the pointing out of our ACC cut. Hello, everyone gets the same portion.
Athletic merchandise sales, ours are at best middle of the road in the ACC. The big state schools sell more than we do so we're trailing in revenue here.
Stadium, we have whatever deal we have with the Phins. Our conference opponents have their own stadiums and don't have to split the revenue. Once again, we're trailing.
Alumni base and fan base in general contributions. This isn't the ancient past where we had fans across the country in numbers. Our alumni base is smaller and often times indifferent with regards to donations. So we trail here as well.
We do have some high dollar donors, but that is true everywhere.
That is just in conference. Athletic budget wise, we're once again middle of the road.
For years we were at a barely break even level. That's why we joined a conference to begin with, to secure guaranteed money to stay afloat.
We pay what we can. If we were winning, we would have more money coming in from every angle listed above. Right now, we're secure, but still rely heavily on large contributions from some of our bigger boosters. Had Richt demanded his buyout, man it would've been tight unless one of the big donors stepped up. As it happened, some did to pay off Temple to get Diaz (right or wrong, that is what happened), etc.
When people float names like Meyer was earlier, they don't have a clue how we're nowhere close to being able to do something like that.