💩 just got real. We're not F'ing around. If Mario can't do it, shut the program down.

Went to the elite camp Saturday.
First and foremost...
Completely different energy around the program right now.

Some notes...

1. Elite prospects all over. I think we all knew that, but to see all these kids in person is a different ballgame. First thing Miami did after having kids/family sign in, is measure every prospects's height and weight. You had to do that before you even entered the building. I made the coaches do me, and after measuring in at 6'2" 307lbs they asked if I had any eligibility left to add to the DT depth. So if you guys see an unknown walk-on on the roster this spring, or a player on the sideline eating lemon pepper wings between possessions, you'll know who it is. I'm trying my best to get jersey #69.

2. We are no longer fvckin' around. There will be no more excuses. There is full investment and we are finally trying to play with the big boys. Mario revealed the plans for a completely new football building/facility. Mario requested no pics/videos so we weren't able to get shots of it...but it's serious. Bama level facilities. He said the building will likely be 4/5 stories high. THE BEST OF THE BEST. No stone unturned. Massive weight room with 20 built-in platforms and the entire wall will be made of glass, with a full view of the practice field. A ridiculous student lounge with the latest technology and videos games. A cafe that seats 150 people. The list goes on and on. It's simply much easier to just describe it as BEST OF THE BEST. Nobody will have the facility advantage on us anymore, including Bama.

3. I was told by Salavea and Stroud that we will be running a 4-front. It'll be a 4-2-5 structure. We we not be basing out of an Odd front, so we can throw those speculations out of the window. It's still possible that we could get Dorlus from Oregon. He will play mainly DE here. Salavea is not allowed to communicate with him any longer, so the ball is in Dorlus' court. We'd all love to see him come home, but Oregon is negative recruiting Miami and talking about how we don't even have a DC yet. I know Dorlus is tired of playing inside (DT) so much, but he kinda had to at Oregon. What he might fail to understand is, if he stays at Oregon he'll continue to play inside. Lanning is a 3-4 guy. At Miami he'll play outside. Salavea is pumped about the young talent at DT here, and really NEEDS Dorlus at DE. Let's hope the kid comes home. Salavea said he's an early round draft pick.

4. ENERGY, ENERGY, ENERGY! Everybody Mario has brought so far has big energy. Salavea gets pumped the **** up when he speaks about ball, very animated. Can't say whether he's better or worse than Simpson, but he's DIFFERENT. Simpson doesn't give you the feeling that he would ring your neck or that he could still suit up if he had to. Salavea, on the other hand, might walk into a kid's living room and scare him into signing with Miami.
Feld is a certified lunatic. When we arrived to the event, he had a group of players in the weight room lifting so we got to watch him in action. When we spoke in front of the crowd, he was the only one who declined to use a microphone. Dude would rather shout. He talked about neck strength, which was interesting, and placing an emphasis on core. Doesn't care to have a roster full of guys who can squat 600lbs but can't play ball and/or stay healthy or be explosive/flexible. One of the players I spoke to likes Feld much better than the last guy. He said the last guy was all about "punishing" players, and just working them, instead of being more focused on actual goals. (not verbatim, but that was the gist) He just said that Feld is more detailed. Words used to describe him were "lit" and "beast".

5. You can see how/why Mario's staff recruits well. Mirabal, Mario and Salavea are all very personable, humble and people oriented. None of that pompous/nerd energy that Manny and some of the former guys oozed from their skin. We literally had a discussion at the event about this issue. (a few HS guys and I) Mario gives off a much more genuine and personable energy. Even one of the position coaches kinda eluded to this. He also said that under Manny we were "figuring stuff out", like on the fly. Mario is like 'boom, boom, boom' this is WTF is going on. This is what happens when you hire an experienced/qualified guy.

6. THERE ARE NO MORE EXCUSES!!! Whatever resource Miami doesn't have, it's coming. We've got big-time people backing Mario. We've got money. We will soon have EVERYTHING the big dawg programs have. All the same toys. We also have a local 7-on-7 team full of elite talent that is funded/sponsored by Ruiz. That's a massive resource that many programs do not have. It's about to get A LOT harder for other schools to come down here and snatch our kids. AND IT'S ABOUT TO BECOME IMPOSSIBLE TO NEGATIVE-RECRUIT AGAINST MIAMI. They won't be able to point at our lack of resources, point at our facilities, point at our staff, etc. Plus we're fvckin' located in a world renowned city.

Because we're about to have everything we need. If the play-calling/coaching is halfway decent WE BACK.
Did you get a sense for any candidates' attention the new staff grabbed? Ir appears there is a remarkable difference in "it" between this new staff and what, all the way back to Butch DAW GAWD?

My observation is under the old staff, several of rhe bigger names would have declined invites.

For me, it made sleeping until 4pm on a weekend very easy. The problem was that I was on the meal plan, which left me with one meal left that day. So late night would require a run to the only dining establishment open at 2am....Taco Bell.

Many a time I stayed up all Saturday night partying, slept all Sunday, and woke up just in time to make it to all you can eat spaghetti at LB's (only one piece of garlic break per person!)
I once hung out at a *** bar in Savannah, Georgia because the beer pictures were $3 each. There were dikk pictures in the bathroom and it was a bit traumatizing but $3 pictures, bro. Sometimes it is what it is.

Edit: typing too fast - pitchers of beers.
The dikkk pictures were free

You Win Back Off GIF by Miami HEAT
Pipo. Lol. Cmon brother. This ain’t happening if we ever sync up for drinks.

you have to be the cheapest son of a bit@h, rivaling my old man, RIP. A pitcher of beer at a straight bar can be 5 bucks on special at a non *** bar. Bathroom Dyk pics to save 2 bucks?
Pipo. Lol. Cmon brother. This ain’t happening if we ever sync up for drinks.

you have to be the cheapest son of a bit@h, rivaling my old man, RIP. A pitcher of beer at a straight bar can be 5 bucks on special at a non *** bar. Bathroom Dyk pics to save 2 bucks?
As long as he didn’t have his mouth open while taking a ****, is not *** n ok.
We were going through town on our way to FL. Didn’t know it (no flag outside, etc) because it was a *** night until we walked in the bathroom and then the bar started to fill up with only dudes. We hogged the pool table and each round a different friend would have to go through the gauntlet to reach the bar.
What the **** is going on in this thread. I really don’t care what anyone here does or with whom in their own bedroom, but…. What does any of this have to do with my Miami Hurricanes 🤔
Points of fact:
1) Going to a bar, because it has the cheapest beer, makes you cheap not ***.
2) Going to a *** bar, because it has the cheapest beer, makes you bad at choosing bars.
3) If I’m going to drink in a bar, I’d like to look at females, because that’s a thing and it’s real.
4) You can be the cheapest mother ****** in the world, but if you’re drinking and don’t want to see females, you might not be ***, but you missed out on one of the best reasons to drink out. Imho
5) Lastly, if you had a good time at the bar and you still talk about it years later, good for you. I’ve been to a million bars and don’t remember the majority of them. A good story, night and with friends is priceless. I’m glad you and your boys had fun. Go Canes!
*There is so much happening so fast on campus, that it would honestly blow your minds. I’ve never seen the kids more hyped. People might be chanting SEC, SEC on television, but they’re really taking about a few select programs. We are one of those programs now. This is the Alabama model and it’s as real as the day is long.
Went to the elite camp Saturday.
First and foremost...
Completely different energy around the program right now.

Some notes...

1. Elite prospects all over. I think we all knew that, but to see all these kids in person is a different ballgame. First thing Miami did after having kids/family sign in, is measure every prospects's height and weight. You had to do that before you even entered the building. I made the coaches do me, and after measuring in at 6'2" 307lbs they asked if I had any eligibility left to add to the DT depth. So if you guys see an unknown walk-on on the roster this spring, or a player on the sideline eating lemon pepper wings between possessions, you'll know who it is. I'm trying my best to get jersey #69.

2. We are no longer fvckin' around. There will be no more excuses. There is full investment and we are finally trying to play with the big boys. Mario revealed the plans for a completely new football building/facility. Mario requested no pics/videos so we weren't able to get shots of it...but it's serious. Bama level facilities. He said the building will likely be 4/5 stories high. THE BEST OF THE BEST. No stone unturned. Massive weight room with 20 built-in platforms and the entire wall will be made of glass, with a full view of the practice field. A ridiculous student lounge with the latest technology and videos games. A cafe that seats 150 people. The list goes on and on. It's simply much easier to just describe it as BEST OF THE BEST. Nobody will have the facility advantage on us anymore, including Bama.

3. I was told by Salavea and Stroud that we will be running a 4-front. It'll be a 4-2-5 structure. We we not be basing out of an Odd front, so we can throw those speculations out of the window. It's still possible that we could get Dorlus from Oregon. He will play mainly DE here. Salavea is not allowed to communicate with him any longer, so the ball is in Dorlus' court. We'd all love to see him come home, but Oregon is negative recruiting Miami and talking about how we don't even have a DC yet. I know Dorlus is tired of playing inside (DT) so much, but he kinda had to at Oregon. What he might fail to understand is, if he stays at Oregon he'll continue to play inside. Lanning is a 3-4 guy. At Miami he'll play outside. Salavea is pumped about the young talent at DT here, and really NEEDS Dorlus at DE. Let's hope the kid comes home. Salavea said he's an early round draft pick.

4. ENERGY, ENERGY, ENERGY! Everybody Mario has brought so far has big energy. Salavea gets pumped the **** up when he speaks about ball, very animated. Can't say whether he's better or worse than Simpson, but he's DIFFERENT. Simpson doesn't give you the feeling that he would ring your neck or that he could still suit up if he had to. Salavea, on the other hand, might walk into a kid's living room and scare him into signing with Miami.
Feld is a certified lunatic. When we arrived to the event, he had a group of players in the weight room lifting so we got to watch him in action. When we spoke in front of the crowd, he was the only one who declined to use a microphone. Dude would rather shout. He talked about neck strength, which was interesting, and placing an emphasis on core. Doesn't care to have a roster full of guys who can squat 600lbs but can't play ball and/or stay healthy or be explosive/flexible. One of the players I spoke to likes Feld much better than the last guy. He said the last guy was all about "punishing" players, and just working them, instead of being more focused on actual goals. (not verbatim, but that was the gist) He just said that Feld is more detailed. Words used to describe him were "lit" and "beast".

5. You can see how/why Mario's staff recruits well. Mirabal, Mario and Salavea are all very personable, humble and people oriented. None of that pompous/nerd energy that Manny and some of the former guys oozed from their skin. We literally had a discussion at the event about this issue. (a few HS guys and I) Mario gives off a much more genuine and personable energy. Even one of the position coaches kinda eluded to this. He also said that under Manny we were "figuring stuff out", like on the fly. Mario is like 'boom, boom, boom' this is WTF is going on. This is what happens when you hire an experienced/qualified guy.

6. THERE ARE NO MORE EXCUSES!!! Whatever resource Miami doesn't have, it's coming. We've got big-time people backing Mario. We've got money. We will soon have EVERYTHING the big dawg programs have. All the same toys. We also have a local 7-on-7 team full of elite talent that is funded/sponsored by Ruiz. That's a massive resource that many programs do not have. It's about to get A LOT harder for other schools to come down here and snatch our kids. AND IT'S ABOUT TO BECOME IMPOSSIBLE TO NEGATIVE-RECRUIT AGAINST MIAMI. They won't be able to point at our lack of resources, point at our facilities, point at our staff, etc. Plus we're fvckin' located in a world renowned city.

Because we're about to have everything we need. If the play-calling/coaching is halfway decent WE BACK.
I’m going to mess this story up. But I remember reading back when Mario was our offensive line coach that several of the guys were having weight and eating issues. And Mario slept in front of the refrigerator at their apartment to make sure they would eat right and wouldn’t break their diets with the night munchies.

Does anyone remember reading that? I’m almost sure it was a Herald article at the time but I can’t find it on Google.
So Mario's first year at FIU he took my high school teammate as a PWO OL. Big kid (close to 4 bills). They thought pretty highly of him and if he got his weight in order he could compete for a job. During the summer the kid hadn't lost weight even with the conditioning program so Mario had staffers randomly raid his dorm like a prison cell. Just rush in, open the fridge, flip the mattress, check any hiding spots for junk food. They were finding every candy imaginable in there lol.

He didn't make it thru fall camp.
So Mario's first year at FIU he took my high school teammate as a PWO OL. Big kid (close to 4 bills). They thought pretty highly of him and if he got his weight in order he could compete for a job. During the summer the kid hadn't lost weight even with the conditioning program so Mario had staffers randomly raid his dorm like a prison cell. Just rush in, open the fridge, flip the mattress, check any hiding spots for junk food. They were finding every candy imaginable in there lol.

He didn't make it thru fall camp.
Coach Macho can bench press big boy.
Dang I thought I was the only one during that time on this board. Grad of 1994.
I graduated in '94 too. Never lived in the Towers though. Two years in Pearson then two in the on campus apartments. The Watsco Center sits right on top of where my old apartment was!
Went to the elite camp Saturday.
First and foremost...
Completely different energy around the program right now.

Some notes...

1. Elite prospects all over. I think we all knew that, but to see all these kids in person is a different ballgame. First thing Miami did after having kids/family sign in, is measure every prospects's height and weight. You had to do that before you even entered the building. I made the coaches do me, and after measuring in at 6'2" 307lbs they asked if I had any eligibility left to add to the DT depth. So if you guys see an unknown walk-on on the roster this spring, or a player on the sideline eating lemon pepper wings between possessions, you'll know who it is. I'm trying my best to get jersey #69.

2. We are no longer fvckin' around. There will be no more excuses. There is full investment and we are finally trying to play with the big boys. Mario revealed the plans for a completely new football building/facility. Mario requested no pics/videos so we weren't able to get shots of it...but it's serious. Bama level facilities. He said the building will likely be 4/5 stories high. THE BEST OF THE BEST. No stone unturned. Massive weight room with 20 built-in platforms and the entire wall will be made of glass, with a full view of the practice field. A ridiculous student lounge with the latest technology and videos games. A cafe that seats 150 people. The list goes on and on. It's simply much easier to just describe it as BEST OF THE BEST. Nobody will have the facility advantage on us anymore, including Bama.

3. I was told by Salavea and Stroud that we will be running a 4-front. It'll be a 4-2-5 structure. We we not be basing out of an Odd front, so we can throw those speculations out of the window. It's still possible that we could get Dorlus from Oregon. He will play mainly DE here. Salavea is not allowed to communicate with him any longer, so the ball is in Dorlus' court. We'd all love to see him come home, but Oregon is negative recruiting Miami and talking about how we don't even have a DC yet. I know Dorlus is tired of playing inside (DT) so much, but he kinda had to at Oregon. What he might fail to understand is, if he stays at Oregon he'll continue to play inside. Lanning is a 3-4 guy. At Miami he'll play outside. Salavea is pumped about the young talent at DT here, and really NEEDS Dorlus at DE. Let's hope the kid comes home. Salavea said he's an early round draft pick.

4. ENERGY, ENERGY, ENERGY! Everybody Mario has brought so far has big energy. Salavea gets pumped the **** up when he speaks about ball, very animated. Can't say whether he's better or worse than Simpson, but he's DIFFERENT. Simpson doesn't give you the feeling that he would ring your neck or that he could still suit up if he had to. Salavea, on the other hand, might walk into a kid's living room and scare him into signing with Miami.
Feld is a certified lunatic. When we arrived to the event, he had a group of players in the weight room lifting so we got to watch him in action. When we spoke in front of the crowd, he was the only one who declined to use a microphone. Dude would rather shout. He talked about neck strength, which was interesting, and placing an emphasis on core. Doesn't care to have a roster full of guys who can squat 600lbs but can't play ball and/or stay healthy or be explosive/flexible. One of the players I spoke to likes Feld much better than the last guy. He said the last guy was all about "punishing" players, and just working them, instead of being more focused on actual goals. (not verbatim, but that was the gist) He just said that Feld is more detailed. Words used to describe him were "lit" and "beast".

5. You can see how/why Mario's staff recruits well. Mirabal, Mario and Salavea are all very personable, humble and people oriented. None of that pompous/nerd energy that Manny and some of the former guys oozed from their skin. We literally had a discussion at the event about this issue. (a few HS guys and I) Mario gives off a much more genuine and personable energy. Even one of the position coaches kinda eluded to this. He also said that under Manny we were "figuring stuff out", like on the fly. Mario is like 'boom, boom, boom' this is WTF is going on. This is what happens when you hire an experienced/qualified guy.

6. THERE ARE NO MORE EXCUSES!!! Whatever resource Miami doesn't have, it's coming. We've got big-time people backing Mario. We've got money. We will soon have EVERYTHING the big dawg programs have. All the same toys. We also have a local 7-on-7 team full of elite talent that is funded/sponsored by Ruiz. That's a massive resource that many programs do not have. It's about to get A LOT harder for other schools to come down here and snatch our kids. AND IT'S ABOUT TO BECOME IMPOSSIBLE TO NEGATIVE-RECRUIT AGAINST MIAMI. They won't be able to point at our lack of resources, point at our facilities, point at our staff, etc. Plus we're fvckin' located in a world renowned city.

Because we're about to have everything we need. If the play-calling/coaching is halfway decent WE BACK.
Macho was anything mentioned about support staff and analysts? I feel like that is something we need to invest in to get to where we need to be. You have the Bama's of the world hiring former HC's as analysts over there.
Used to run the nutrition program for our last two coaches.

Glad to see Mario has changed this as well. Miami has been way behind the big boys for so long when it comes to the training table and nutrition.

**** I ate better on a free trip to Bama to watch a game back in 2002 with my friend being recruited than our players are last year.

The same bull**** lunch lady pasta and red sauce you see a at hospital cafeteria.

Kids eat like kings with specialized chiefs at Bama and big schools.