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  1. OrangeBowlMagic

    A Trend That Must Stop

    CIS Porster: “Our defense is overrated, average, trash, all flash, no substance, and Manny gets exposed way too much!!!” CIS poster: “Well actually, Mr. Porst, here’s 178 statistics showing that the defense, while not at the absolute elite top of the sport, has been VERY good overall in the...
  2. OrangeBowlMagic

    A Trend That Must Stop

    100%. I've been screaming just for a top 40-ish offense. That's all. I'm not even being greedy....I don't expect to go from being in a wheelchair to winning gold in the 100m dash at the Olympics. Just....jog, for Christ's sake. Top 40. If this offense was Top 40 for the last 4 years, I'd...
  3. OrangeBowlMagic

    A Trend That Must Stop

    If you're listening and putting stock into the opinions of people who try to tell you this defense is elite, you need to revisit that. You're too smart of a dude to let that nonsense into your ears. The defense is absolutely not elite. But it's very good, and has consistently been very good...
  4. OrangeBowlMagic

    A Trend That Must Stop

    We’re 13-13 the last 2 seasons. Who in the world is saying Miami has a championship level anything? If you’re talking about the Coastal, absolutely. The defense is easily championship level. With its eyes closed. If you’re talking nattys, no chance. But it’s a very good defense, at worst, over a...
  5. OrangeBowlMagic

    A Trend That Must Stop

    It’s egregious to give up 1 scoring drive in 58 minutes to a D1 football team in this era of offensive football? ****, tough crowd. However, if the offense scored 30 points like it should with the talent advantage we have, Miami is up 30-7 and nobody cares to do drive breakdowns of the defense.
  6. OrangeBowlMagic

    A Trend That Must Stop

    Forget early vs late. Points are worth the same whenever they’re scored. You’re not wrong at all, but people get so caught up with the “when” around here. If the offense does it’s job in the first 3 quarters, maybe we don’t need heroic defensive performances in the 4th. I don’t think anyone is...
  7. OrangeBowlMagic

    A Trend That Must Stop

    For a full sample size of 4 years now, Diaz’ defense has been well above average. Not elite, but it’s been a very good and at times great defense. Know what happens when your pair a consistently very good to great defense with a very good to great offense? You win this division every year by...
  8. OrangeBowlMagic

    A Trend That Must Stop

    Wait till you see how good the defense looks once their best player hits the field this fall. His name is D’Eriq King.