Williams getting advice from former 'Cane QB's, Jimmy Johnson before first start

Stefan Adams
3 min read

Comments (97)

HAH good lord to throw the millenial line out there than even pt Malik & ryan in the same sentence is harsh at best. Ryan was our qb & had some good results on a team that basically was one step away from playing iron man ball. I'm assuming you know football when I say this,if u dont than I'll shut up. But ryan was on a team that had zero depth & was decimated by probation. Malik isnt even in the same ball park as a qb period.

First off, not sure which former Cane you are but I’ve been a season ticket holder since 1979. I’ve seen them all. Ryan clement came in as the most hyped QB recruit in decades. I was there when he was in the HS all American game crowned and was supposed to be our savior. I was there when he PUBLICLY BLAMED THE FORMER PLAYERS for the program being at the current state during the 5-6 season. (Go look it up. If you a former Cane you shouldn’t have to. You lived it right?!) He was a closet snitch.

So you can defend him all you want but if you are a true former Cane football player and not someone pretending then you would know Rosier has a better legacy then Clement. Undefeated going into week 11. We were the #2 team in the country. We destroyed ND and VT. We broke the FSU steak under him. We were coastal champs for the first time ever. Miss me with the he was crippled by sanctions talk..

I got time today when it comes to a Ryan Clement vs Malik Rosier argument..
This site is unbelieveable at times.

Nice article comes out on Jarren and the only thing most of these simpletons can talk about is that Kaaya, Morris and Rosier talked to him and gave him advice

You are right. My bad. I’m bowing out. Less then 72 hours until the big game has everyone on edge.
With the new 4 game rule implemented last year I really wish Richt had given him reps throughout last season. He’d have a lot more collegiate playing experience to draw upon in preparation.
This man knows of which he speaks, no matter who you are, rosier balled out in that 3 game stretch against Fsu, Notre shame and V-tech, and he'll always be a 10game winning qb, the first qb to help lead this team to our first True coastal division title, the first qb to help lead us to our first ACC championship game appearance and the 1st qb to help lead us to beating Fsu in 7yrs, so he'll always have my respect, people tend to forget how many dimes rosier threw in that Fsu game, i mean even tho that pass from j70 to travis benjamin against Fsu might be the best ever thus far, but rosier in this game threw more top notch passes and clutch passes in you can argue in almost any game most have ever seen, respect that man for what he did:

What's sad to me is when some of our fans clearly display their youth. I say that because you sir posted these highlights. I'm assuming that means you watched them. So you watched that **** than said to yourself Malik was balling... that clearly shows me you've never seen even decent football in your life let alone championship level. True late third and throughout the 4th him and brax were doing work. Some of those throws were **** good. Some were also the reciever being a beast and making adjustments in his route. Problem is like the throw that won the game yall dont realize what he was running or where that ball was supposed to be placed. If you did youd say what the fvck just happened. Do you realize until 5 minutes left in the third he had single digit completions and most of them came on screens... just be real with urselfs. Dont need to knock him anymore as hes not here (🤫)but c'mon and just drop it please.
This site is unbelieveable at times.

Nice article comes out on Jarren and the only thing most of these simpletons can talk about is that Kaaya, Morris and Rosier talked to him and gave him advice
these people thrive on negativity
What's sad to me is when some of our fans clearly display their youth. I say that because you sir posted these highlights. I'm assuming that means you watched them. So you watched that **** than said to yourself Malik was balling... that clearly shows me you've never seen even decent football in your life let alone championship level. True late third and throughout the 4th him and brax were doing work. Some of those throws were **** good. Some were also the reciever being a beast and making adjustments in his route. Problem is like the throw that won the game yall dont realize what he was running or where that ball was supposed to be placed. If you did youd say what the fvck just happened. Do you realize until 5 minutes left in the third he had single digit completions and most of them came on screens... just be real with urselfs. Dont need to knock him anymore as hes not here (🤫)but c'mon and just drop it please.

it reminds of that line from 'Gung Ho' after Hunt Stevenson got out of that car that fell apart - 'I thought it handled great!!'

C'mon, I dont want to belabor the point or pile on, but in 2017, UM won certain games in spite of Rosier.
What's sad to me is when some of our fans clearly display their youth. I say that because you sir posted these highlights. I'm assuming that means you watched them. So you watched that **** than said to yourself Malik was balling... that clearly shows me you've never seen even decent football in your life let alone championship level. True late third and throughout the 4th him and brax were doing work. Some of those throws were **** good. Some were also the reciever being a beast and making adjustments in his route. Problem is like the throw that won the game yall dont realize what he was running or where that ball was supposed to be placed. If you did youd say what the fvck just happened. Do you realize until 5 minutes left in the third he had single digit completions and most of them came on screens... just be real with urselfs. Dont need to knock him anymore as hes not here (🤫)but c'mon and just drop it please.
I hate to pile on rosier but I’m looking at some of the decision making in this game by malik and the throws he was making and man it was terrible :sanford2: . Had he hit a few of them throws early in the game when we were **** near in the redzone on back to back drives that game would have been completely different. The adjustments some of the receivers had to make in this game and others were bad and shouldn’t be the case at all. Also Tyree St. Louis and those 2 guards that are gone were abused in this game.
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Wouldn’t mind Brock Berlin chatting with JW15. Just about being tough and playing within yourself.

Say what you will, but Brock was 5-0 vs UF (2-0) and FSU (3-0).
I agree, Brock was capable and helluva qb. He was a shock-gun qb and talents should have been tailored to his strengths.
What advice did Malik give?

“Hey JWill, If the pocket collapses just tuck the ball, run and wing it. That’s what I did for a year and a half.”
Not Malik's fought he just was a good athlete richt in his stubbornness should
Have gotten jarren ready once he saw
Malik and nkosi didn't have what he needed.
First off, not sure which former Cane you are but I’ve been a season ticket holder since 1979. I’ve seen them all. Ryan clement came in as the most hyped QB recruit in decades. I was there when he was in the HS all American game crowned and was supposed to be our savior. I was there when he PUBLICLY BLAMED THE FORMER PLAYERS for the program being at the current state during the 5-6 season. (Go look it up. If you a former Cane you shouldn’t have to. You lived it right?!) He was a closet snitch.

So you can defend him all you want but if you are a true former Cane football player and not someone pretending then you would know Rosier has a better legacy then Clement. Undefeated going into week 11. We were the #2 team in the country. We destroyed ND and VT. We broke the FSU steak under him. We were coastal champs for the first time ever. Miss me with the he was crippled by sanctions talk..

I got time today when it comes to a Ryan Clement vs Malik Rosier argument..
We're talking about him as a football player. Not as a person & in comparison directly to Malik rosier. Nothing else. U say miss u with the crippled team talk yet you immediately throw in the TEAM results Malik benefited from. As a fan and a season ticket holder for so long I'm gonna say thank you very much for your support. If we had more supportive fans like u maybe our fan base wouldnt be such a laughing stock. Moving away from that however I see no good coming from continuing with this topic. Far as I'm concerned when you are comparing individuals (not teams) you need to be sure to seperate one from the other. Far as I'm concerned only qb we ever had who individually was as bad as Malik would be kirby Freeman. I know the arguements against and they dont amuse me. Also ryan was nowhere near the recruit you seem to think. He was a top 10 qb but he was never considered some beast.
What's sad to me is when some of our fans clearly display their youth. I say that because you sir posted these highlights. I'm assuming that means you watched them. So you watched that **** than said to yourself Malik was balling... that clearly shows me you've never seen even decent football in your life let alone championship level. True late third and throughout the 4th him and brax were doing work. Some of those throws were **** good. Some were also the reciever being a beast and making adjustments in his route. Problem is like the throw that won the game yall dont realize what he was running or where that ball was supposed to be placed. If you did youd say what the fvck just happened. Do you realize until 5 minutes left in the third he had single digit completions and most of them came on screens... just be real with urselfs. Dont need to knock him anymore as hes not here (🤫)but c'mon and just drop it please.

Remember last year when 98 percent of this site swore that Rosier was a better QB than Kaaya. Cribby is some old fart that is one fall away from the nursing home.
You must be a millennial. Smh. Its the "what have you done for me today" era when it comes to everything. Malik **** sure can walk around that QB room and give advice since he did give this program its biggest win in a **** decade. Maybe longer. Lets stop talking about the kid like he has the legacy of Ryan Clement and hasn't led this program to monumental wins before.

If you where born in 82 you are a millennial too. He didn't give the program schit. The team gave this program a win in spite of him. Clement would have beat that FSU team too and it wouldn't have been nearly as close.
If I recall correctly, Bryan Fortay was much more heavily hyped coming into UM, in fact, he was considered by many the #1 player overall in the country in 89

Clement was a top ten-ish type of guy, IIRC, but it was Scott Covington who everyone kinda realized had a higher physical upside.

I'll never forget Clement basically playing handicapped in 96 vs West Virginia, where Tremain Mack rescued Miami with that late punt block ('the Miracle at the Mountain'). Gutty player but very limited arm strength
Remember last year when 98 percent of this site swore that Rosier was a better QB than Kaaya. Cribby is some old fart that is one fall away from the nursing home.
Dont be so hard on cribby. Hes a good dude. Most people on here just dont fully comprehend what they are seeing. Reality is if malik was a qb for us under no dnofrio he wouldve been fielding death threats far more often than he ever completed passes