UM dismisses Sam Bruce

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz
2 min read

Comments (332)

I'm also wondering if the severity of his injury had sometime to do with this too. Wondering if it was severe to the point where his ability to fully recover to his previous quickness was in doubt, and it just wasn't worth taking the chance since he kept breaking team rules, lying, and getting in trouble.
Insulting our entire recruiting base is dumb and counterproductive, especially without having *all* of the facts.
The lie is always worse than the infraction.

This, or said another way it's not the crime it's the cover up.

Richt isn't playing games. Kids, and parents, loved him at UGA but they knew he didn't take crap from anyone.

No one is bigger than the program.
So I'm guessing most of y'all just want the players to do what they want. How hard is it to follow simple rules. He was getting in trouble long before he got on campus. Why should he be treated different from kids who follow the rules on the team. Gtfoh with that cr@p man. He didn't learn his lesson. Then he goes and get injured playing basketball. Obviously football wasn't that important to him.

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opens a Scholly for a JUCO OT, which we need some kind of bad.

You mean, opens a scholie for another WR that we will need to recruit.
This is NOT good news.
Let's not kid ourselves.

Agree we need another WR, but having a great WR who can't get a clean throw to him bc our no-line can't protect sir slow feet is second priority to me.

This is NOT good, but hey, after that game, all the superfans are ignoring the warning signs and going happy thoughts for UNC, so I am trying to find some constructive, fwd thinking after THE test failure. Noline was reason sir slow feet's and Al Richden's "offense" couldn't muster against the same FSU that literally everyone else hung 35 + on....

21 ppg offense pts vs. GT, 19 vs. FSU...we are a 17- 24 ppg offense in 2016 vs. real opponents: Noline, kayak, CMRekt is why; in that order.

No argument that we need an infusion of stud OLmen the next few recruiting cycles.
But losing a WR that was coveted by everyone, a local kid no less that we spent an awful amount of time recruiting, has nothing to do
with recruiting OLmen.

I am not necessarily criticizing UM because I have no idea what transpired for this to happen, but this is not good at all.

Agreed it hurts and bad. It has everything to do with a scholly opening up for a priority position. OT.

We have Mullins. We have AR...and we have...we have...okay, losing Bruce is BAD....LOL.
How about helping a Kid for once. Mandate a program and counseling. That is what Bama did for Cam Robinson. Suspend for a semester or year, which should have been done with Grace.

UM is too quick to dismiss for non-criminal acts.

So you're saying the Cam Robinson, Jermaine Grace, and Bruce situations were identical?
Please elaborate.
With all those bicep curls you guys love so much about him. I guess he was overcompensating for a lack of intelligence. Such an idiot.
Seems to be a direct correlation when kids play games during recruitment and the ones who can't follow rules at the school.The game players seem to get into way more **** than the guy who honors his commitment,comes in early to work,and handles his business.The divas always seem to make negative headlines.Opens up a spot for Harley or another recruit who is interested in getting to work and helping us win a championship.I'm sure their will be some females on here on suicide watch after this though.
We are NOT back, but Bruce is/was always in trouble.
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For the program and for this former Canes athlete.

I want to believe there is far more to story...but the optic on all sides just doesn't look good.

Just ouch.
I may be crazy but I think it was a good move to get rid of Bruce, he may have had great talent and ability however he wasnt concerned about UoM, he was concerned with himself. And for helping a Kid??? How do we (as fans) know what went on behind the scenes concerning help?? I know that their are some who are saying that Richt isnt the one because of the loss Saturday night but come on. How many UM/FSU games have been decided by three points or less. As far as the Cam Robinson case at BAMA, I live in BAMA and I dont think anyone understands the mentality up here concerning UA football. It isnt a sport it is a god to alot of people..scratch that...the majority of fans in this area. Why should UoM "mandate" a counseling program? Is that what happens in the real world? Get put on 3days supension from your job, then come back and continue to break rules and see what that will get you. I believe that SB made his bed now let him go lay in it. Im sure their will be those who strongly disagree with my outtake and I am fine with that but having grown up in the 305 I understand UM football and the passion behind it's program. I just believe that in the end we will see that this was a Blessing in disguise.
Why is there always people on here that act like these guys weren't given multiple chances?
Been a greeeeeeeeeeat past 3 days... Smfh