The Bank (7/19)

2 min read

Comments (139)

Not @Cribby, but his highlight tape says 5 star WR before anything else to me. Maybe it’s the ratio of offense to defense on there, but I initially walked away like “Why isn’t anyone talking about jit playing receiver?”

It also says 5 star DB, but overall it says he’s a dude that(injuries aside)it would take an astronomical cluster**** to keep from being a superstar.

I know a vital part of player evaluation is projection, so likely the people who’ve seen waaay more of DJ’s game than I have walked away saying he’s a DB. But if I’m his college coach, the physical skill and production at WR would be too tempting to totally dismiss from Day 1…
Appreciate it!!!
The 2000 UM team would beat that LSU team FWIW.
I don’t know if I agree and only because of the fact that our D line outside of Lewis was not there yet. But that team might have been the second best out of the teams we had in that 4 year period. And had Brock Berlin played the way he did as a senior his junior year we probably would have been in the title game also.
I don’t know if I agree and only because of the fact that our D line outside of Lewis was not there yet. But that team might have been the second best out of the teams we had in that 4 year period. And had Brock Berlin played the way he did as a senior his junior year we probably would have been in the title game also.
The problem is that LSU team would not have been able to stop our offense. Shockey alone would have destroyed them.
02 I’m with you and we would have won the title if Willis didn’t get hurt let alone that awful call
Yeah that game shouldn't have been that close. But I think Larry coker bad play calling and the ref screwed us.