The Bank (5/19)

4 min read

Comments (309)

I mean, we just had an at least "decent DL class" between Bain, Wayne, Achaempong, and Horton. But I understand your point. We need more big uglies in the trenches if we're going to be a legitimate contender.

I think I see the problem.

Calling them big uglies - even though they may be big and ugly - maybe they don't like to be called big ugly's and rather go to a school where they're not called big uglies.

What if a fan referred to rangy Safeties as Needle *icks? No one wants to be called a "Needle *ick."

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Why is it that when the big time schools sign elite players, they do it year after year at the same position. But when we do it, it spooks kids the next year.
Because those schools have a proven record of winning and playing in hig games.

They know they can get developed by the coaches we now have and they know they can get developed by the coaches at the big schools.

Miami hasn't proven anything to anyone in 20 years. Especially with Mario starting off going 5-7.

Why does bama have 5 5star RBs?

They know they'll run behind the best O line to the playoffs every year.
@DMoney is TJ Capers still in play?

Is he actually solid to UL, just not high on the board or Miami sees a kid playing games?

Seems like we've got a lot of other priorities/targets in the front 7. Wondering where/if he fit into it.
This. ****, look at Texas and atm - they have very average seasons yet are fielding really good classes, annually, and stockpiling kids at same positions. The “Samson and Francis are scaring off a lot of recruits” bit seems like an excuse that doesn’t have a lot of legs. Maybe some other teams are using it against us via a vis negative recruiting but as an overall excuse? Lame.

Shouldn’t stop us from landing some interior studs and one tackle stud. And it certainly shouldn’t result in us just signing diamonds in the rough types. Jmo
A&M aint stock pile none last class. What was their excuse?
We pay our coach top dollar to deliver top results
Previous 5 stars scaring away more elite talent sounds like a premade excuse to me
I agree with what u say
We have to show on the field
But then that’s what narrative should say
Just report that it’s gonna take more than selling hope this year to get top linema and we have to win on the field
I think he’ll have to stack at the same position year after year eventually but I don’t think that’s going to happen this quickly at miami with our history and our resources. That’s why I said, watch the DL class this year and then the OL class next year. That’s what he’s going to have to do and fill in with developmental pieces and some highly rated recruits in between.

The other thing is watch to see how we do at center and guard this class. The challenge is at Tackle. Let’s see how the IOL and DT recruiting shakes up come ESD.
Realistically, we won 5 games last year and had a loaded OL as part of the #7 ranked class. Let’s see if he loads up the DL this year and then goes back to OL next year.

People who are chippy that he’s not stacking O’Neals on top of Leatherwoods like Bama or buying everyone in sight like aTm are going to be very sad and cry many wasted tears before our CIS eyes.

Were not those programs. We’re lucky we got a top 10 class last year and if we can do it again, we’re headed in the right direction. This just isn’t a quick fix.

Let’s watch what happens on the DL. That’ll tell us a lot.
I think we end up with a similar OL class like last year in structure. Meaning 2 higher ranked guys who are closer to being ready with 3-4 guys who will take a few years of development to be ready.

The difference is going to be that the 2 higher ranked guys are not going to be as heralded as Samson and Francis. We probably will end up with 2-3 out of Ahfua, Daniels, Seaton or Andrews. There’s few guys this year that are physically ready to come in and contribute right away like Samson and Francis. Everyone either needs to put on size or completely reshape their bodies.

The closest guys are Ahfua (think he may be the best overall lineman) Carter, Pringle and Calhoun. Like Daniels, Pringle and Calhoun are tackles who may need to start off at OG to play early while they reshape their bodies.
Read "jersey guy" and immediately had an orange tie flash through my mind.
People hitting the panic button on the Oline already… some nice looking quality names are in the mix and i wouldn’t be surprised if a name or two comes out of the woodworks after the summer
There’s always a few. Usually the same ones with a few random waffling ones sprinkled in. I don’t see that as reflective on the whole, or a large part of board opinion. I don’t think you’re saying it’s the board in large part anyhow.

Some of the expectations by these few are just not grounded in the reality of the program we’ve become over the past 20 years in expecting us to stack like UGA and Bama off the bat or pay like aTm and Texas.

For Christ’s sake (can I say that?), look at the OL now from where we were. People crying about OT’s like he can’t recruit them after landing Mauigoa and Samson last year??? Watch what he does at guard and center this year.

Mario has to fill holes (no pause) at DT. Watch what he does there. Then see if he lands elite OT’s again next year.
We aren’t a big-time school right now and can’t operate with that kind of equity. Trying to build towards that. The bigger issue is that our young guys are either starting or in line to potentially start for multiple years.

We signed 2 five star o lineman last cycle, what’s spooky about that? Mario/Mirable tutelage doesn’t trump that fear? Smh