Staff Changes - 1/3 PM Update

Stefan Adams
1 min read

Comments (434)

Wasn't it Applewhite who made buddy take the jacket off cuz he decided to sit the game out?
I can see Manny taking over the special teams. Let the position coaches coach their positions.
I'm really not thrilled with Applewhite, especially talking with friends at Houston/Texas. Hopefully he runs the playbooks of Briles/Herman, because one of my friends described his offense as "the Alabama caveman offense".
Do you have any friends in North Carolina? Because they'll likely tell you how terrible Larry Fedora is.
he was not good here

It was also his first stint as a college OC/QB coach so maybe it took him a while to figure it out. Maybe he had two bad years here at Miami, but his last three years in college turned out well.

Also, look at how well Jacory, Stephen Morris, Rosen, Jake Rudock, and Speight did under him. I mean sht Speight was an afterthought after Fisch left to the Rams, but he made it work his last year there at Michigan.

Now, he's not the splash or homerun hire by perception. I also think that he's a bad hire considering his heart is to remain in the NFL. However, I'll take his X's and O's and QB work over Major/Fedora/Wright.
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Way too many other factors to make a blanket statement like that.

I am not over the moon with Applewhite either, I'd prefer Fedora or Coley over him, but you can't say what you said. What if he recruits and develops an All-America type QB. Miami's offense couldn't be higher than 30th? What if you pair him with a monster defense who controls games and forces turnovers? He can't score 35 a game?

Fedora says he's not coming. What don't u get?
I find it very hard to believe the Canes Twitter would follow Applewhite if it wasn’t a done deal.

But I guess we’ll see.