Staff Changes - 1/3 PM Update

Stefan Adams
1 min read

Comments (434)

I don't like missing on offers, but I had two major issues with Fedora:

1) He was going to be one-and-done with Miami - would have lasted maybe one full year then he would have taken the next HC opening at a power 5 school. Not exactly the position you want to be in for recruits and your starting QB
2) Fedora is an absolute alpha male and I believe he would eventually clash with Diaz. Don't care how close they are - Fedora is a presence and he would have wanted to own the room at times.

This X 1000. If you don't think Fedora after Manny does some bone headed **** that is a rookie HC mistake is going to throw him under the bus in a presser the first chance he gets you are mistaken... ("Well, the offense did enough to win so you will have to ask the HC any questions about why we lost. Next question..") Being an ***** is cool until its not cool.
I think Fedora is toxic and is only being recruited by Temple to spite the Canes.

I think Applewhite is a good OC, but lost his team in Houston because apparently he's a petty ****.
People don't hire coaches to spite other programs

If they think he's good enough to lead their program they'll do it. They aren't going to set back their football program because Manny left. That is the dumbest **** I've read on here in a while
The two aren't actually all that comparable.

Fedora is 79-62 as a HC with success at 2 programs in Southern Miss & UNC, and was an established OC before he became a HC, plus he had multiple options after being fired from UNC. FSU tried to hire him & he very well could end up the HC for Temple or another school.

Applewhite is 15-11 as a HC & was questionable as an OC before he was HC at Houston, didn't really have any options on the table aside from Manny throwing him life raft, which is something to me...

I'm willing to see how it works, but I'm cautious due to the fact I've seen from multiple people both Texas & Houston fans saying some really interesting things about him as a play caller, I hope it works out for us though.

And yes I know he'll be better than Mark, Lil Jon or Thomas Brown, that goes without saying lol.

Houston officially fired Major Applewhite on the 30th. Larry Fedora has been out of a job since November 25th. Besides FSU and us, Fedora hasn't been a hot name either. Temple allegedly is now involved. My point is we have no idea how hot the market is for Applewhite is. He got an interview from us immediately.

Take away scrub teams and that’s even worse. The o was an abortion and one of the worst I’ve ever seen at um. That’s over 30 years.

Terrible playcalling ,scheme and route concepts. That o was a 4-9 unit.
Try reading the post I was replying to. But thanks for telling me the offense was terrible. I didn’t notice.
Way too many other factors to make a blanket statement like that.

I am not over the moon with Applewhite either, I'd prefer Fedora or Coley over him, but you can't say what you said. What if he recruits and develops an All-America type QB. Miami's offense couldn't be higher than 30th? What if you pair him with a monster defense who controls games and forces turnovers? He can't score 35 a game?
I said that earlier actually that he never had a great college QB (Tyree Jackson could be his first) but I also said that I’m not shooting for just scoring 35 points a game. I want an OC that I could win any shootout with. Now is that everybody or am I saying Fedora is that good? No but I feel my chances are better with Fedora than Applewhite with the offense I see on tape because I obviously don’t know if he added wrinkles to it after working with Herman/Briles. Also, I don’t want to depend on a big superstar QB to put me in that category. I want an O where I can lose a Deshaun Watson but then Kelly Bryant keeps them at the same level for the most part.
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I think Diaz knows what he wants across the board for each slot on staff. OC whoever is selection will be executing to Diaz framework
of fast, aggressive & violent. new OC will carry out Diaz grand scheme in detail......
Downplay it all you want, but hiring Donofrio was a sign of one of two things: (1) extreme naivete, or (2) someone who didn’t give due diligence to an extremely important decision. Perhaps it was just an out of character miss. It’s scary either way. D’onofrio had absolutely no business taking that position after what happened at Miami.
He doesn't have those decision making opportunities here. It's irrelevant is brocks point.

It has absolutely nothing to do with being an OC and no situation similar to it or even close in importance could materialize here
There's dozens & dozens of Uptempo Spread play callers in college football, why is Applewhite the only one we're considering? And does anybody else find it weird that NO other team is even talking to Applewhite?...

Not trying to bhitch & complain, I really like the hire of Blake Baker as DC, like Hester as the potential S&C as well, I even like some of the names being throw out for RB & WR coach from a recruiting standpoint, I just don't get this Applewhite thing.

I'm willing to give it a chance & see how it works out, but there's some real skepticism on my part with Apple. And you don't have to propagandize me with spin, I know he called plays under Herman but that doesn't convince me. They booted his *** outta there as soon as they could, that's a red flag imo.

Hopefully he does a great job here though.
Will he be better than what we've had? Yes. Will it be enough? Highly questionable.
The only real update is on offensive coordinator. I can confirm others' reports that former Houston head coach Major Applewhite should now be considered the leading candidate for the spot. What happened with former UNC head coach Larry Fedora? It's not 100% certain, but one strong source inside Hecht believes Fedora let UM brass know this morning that he prefers a head coaching position and that Applewhite is the name that's trending internally right now.
Manny's worked with him before. He knows what he is getting.
I have to ask, but why is Jedd Fisch not getting consideration? Our players were always WIDE open. I hated his QB recruiting, but if he is just responsible for calling plays, hes an A+ hire.

Not sure which is worse: hiring D'No or recruiting Gray Crow.
With Applewhite being a former QB I would think he learned the offensive scheme ran by Houston under Herman and Briles....hopefully he can install it and get us in the right plays/situations
Lol....I remember the exact same things were said about Manny when he was hired......

I wish someone could screenshot some of the stuff that was said it that thread. It was the Titanic in there when Manny was hired. Only one or two posters tried to say that Manny was actually not that bad. Smh. Deja Vu all over again.
Fedora is getting $3 million a year from UNC buyout, any job he takes is money UNC doesn't have to pay. He can be picky and sit at home and make $3 million a year for the next 4 years. He would have been good because we probably could have gotten a good deal.