Staff Changes - 1/2 PM Update

Staff Changes - 1/2 PM Update

Stefan Adams

Comments (323)

In terms of resume and experience, it’s not even a contest. Heater all day.

Maybe bring on Davis in some other capacity.
I know some kids that played on the teams Cooney coached in High School. Kids love him. Gave some pretty cool insight about him
For those questioning the Cooney hire, I can assure you that he is a HUGE asset. He knows the ins & outs of Dade County recruiting & has the inside track with the entire 7 on 7 circuit. And for the record, ALL parents have a problem with coaches when their kids aren’t playing & Cooney **** sure wasn’t in charge of WR groupings & rotations. Half the battle is getting the kids & families to campus on unscheduled visits (during the school week) so that they can experience the school on a normal day. Cooney will improve this tenfold over what we were currently doing. IF he gets the job, it’s a great hire.

Jamarcus chatman
I’m sick of these cryptic tweets, either share or don’t

I predict the stock market will the future
I know he is, I'm saying it's not his responsibility to land him, the most he can do is help. Banda has to land Stevenson it's his job, if we miss on Ty Stevenson the blame should mostly go to Banda.
If Cooney can’t deliver guys like Stevenson then he shouldn’t work here. That’s why he was hired. He’s supposed to have those ins with locals. Same reason Rumph should be booted. He totally failed to acquire the guys he should have acquired.
For those questioning the Cooney hire, I can assure you that he is a HUGE asset. He knows the ins & outs of Dade County recruiting & has the inside track with the entire 7 on 7 circuit. And for the record, ALL parents have a problem with coaches when their kids aren’t playing & Cooney **** sure wasn’t in charge of WR groupings & rotations. Half the battle is getting the kids & families to campus on unscheduled visits (during the school week) so that they can experience the school on a normal day. Cooney will improve this tenfold over what we were currently doing. IF he gets the job, it’s a great hire.

Thank you for this.

This is an antidote to the garbage and tripe passing of as informed comments, which are based on quantum leap assumptions using slivers of misinformation.

Thank you for a real world wake-up call.

@Tweed like ....

Only problem hiring a guy with a limited background is you wind up with a staff loaded with guys from Louisiana Tech.

Bo Davis’s name rings a bell. Is he the guy who got in trouble at Alabaga?

Yes Sir... that's him.

Bo Davis would be an Intriguing Hire as strength and conditioning coach
I know Saban let him go due to some alleged recruiting violations. But he wouldn't be in that role. has he ever lead a strength and conditioning program?
I know Saban let him go due to some alleged recruiting violations. But he wouldn't be in that role. has he ever lead a strength and conditioning program?
Nope - only an assistant S&C coach
With all due respect to Tweed, as I always appreciate his insight on the board whether I agree with it or not..

Tweed also was signing Thomas Brown’s praises a year ago and he was exposed as a horrible coach this year and a guy who was probably our most overpaid guy on the staff. I’m not saying it’s unacceptable to think Cooney would be a good hire, but based on what nycane and Brooklyn have said about him and his agenda to push Dugans into playing Wiggins heavily over other guys that were better players, I do not like whatsoever. After Richt I’m tired of the political games that coaching staffs play.