Spring Practice 3/20 - Early Portion Notes

Stefan Adams
2 min read

Comments (185)

We're still a couple years away. Still too many JAGS on this team. You can see that our young players even LOOK different. They look like they belong at a top tier program. But we still have quite a few players that simply don't belong here.

No sweat though, it's a process.
I'm very excited about the DB, RB and WR units.

Macho, I know its VERY early, but in your view what is Miami's record in 2018?
Can only say that about 3 positions on the team were certain guys don’t belong as of spring. Right now te since jordan and Mallory aren’t here and oline maybe some of the lower pieces at linebacker like McCray really. At db it’s only knowles who doesn’t really belong imo but that’s about it.

Qb- rosier obviously too

TE obviously.
WR we still have a couple JAGS. (but they won't see the field much IMO, our new haul is elite)
D-line (depth)
And a couple LB's

And like you said, we have a JAG at the most important position on the field. Rosier, the HJIC.
Don't understand how people are so concerned about who's first string on the first day of spring practice. Reading between the lines, it looks like some of those guys are being rewarded for their stellar offseason work.

The cream will rise to the top by fall. September is a long, long way from now.
My man; dude was straight atrocious on 3rd downs, pimp. Real talk, all I do in the off season is re-watch Canes seasons. Do yourself a favor and look at Rosier vs the P5 teams, only. Even the comebacks he led...we were only in those positions b/c my guy could not sustain a drive to save his life and kept gassing the def.

Miami has been trash on 3rd downs since Whipple was our OC lol. We avg so many explosive plays there’s not a lot of 3rd down possessions. Coaches must make kids more aware that IF this 80 yd bomb to Thomas doesn’t work that 7-yd curl route is there at the sticks, that’s on everybody.
Dude that’s a basic throw, it’s a 5-7 yard route. That’s a route that our hs qbs hit with regularity. It’s practiced to nauseam. It’s just pa/roll out , any qb has practiced this thousands of time.

If you notice the other guys completed it.

He’s a rs sr, you should be **** near perfect against air, especially on short intermediate throws.

This guy is just inaccurate , it is what it is at this point. He missed layups multiple times a game , no matter how simple.

He also should've made it since no one's rushing him.
Yep. Perry hit his man but all but came to a full stop and set his feet. That would likely lead to a sack in a live situation.

Im trying to see where perry "all but came to a full stop and set his feet" Some of you ppl need to invest in a better pair of glasses or contacts bc i don't see what you're implying. #12 looked horrible on that video clip(as usual) and you're trying hard to discredit perry as your defense.
I can’t believe people still defend him. It’s like they don’t have eyes.

Funny I say the same thing about the defensive coaching staff. Anyway I have confidence Rosier will not start again this year. Maybe I am just being overly optimistic that Rick knows it’s near impossible to beat the elite teams with Malik under center.

Malik is a tough kid with great character. He just doesn’t possess the tools necessary to be difference maker and this is what we need moving forward.
Id legit rather have Deejay Dallas be our starting qb and run a GTech type wildcat/option offense, than have malik rosier as our qb this season. thats how bad I think he is.

I seen DJ play QB in highschool. Rosier look like da Dan Marino compared to DJ. Saw DJ, his senior year, get knocked da fawk out by a 150 lb player from a 2A school and DJ and his 4 or 5A school get run da fawk out the cotdam stadium.

Im trying to see where perry "all but came to a full stop and set his feet" Some of you ppl need to invest in a better pair of glasses or contacts bc i don't see what you're implying. #12 looked horrible on that video clip(as usual) and you're trying hard to discredit perry as your defense.
My comment was never intended to imply that any of the other QB's did anything better. The comment I was replying to remarked on the difficulty and mechanics of a right-handed QB rolling and throwing to his left. I was merely pointing out that the awkward mechanics were evident in their footwork, of which Perry's was the worst.

Some of you Perry fanboys like to overlook his flaws while claiming that objective people are covering for Rosier's. How about we be allowed to honestly criticize anybody for mistakes and praise equally for successes? How about you be the kind of fan you want to be--even if it's the type who wants to run out the QB who just set the single season TD record for us, won 10 games and our first ever Coastal Division title, and put us back in the OB in favor of a guy who looks good throwing the football in shorts and a shirt, and you let me be the kind of fan I want to be?
Dude, Rosier is that bad. He’s not good at all. He’s a below 50% passer on multiple games. U cannot win like that.

We won 10 games for the first time in 14 years with Rosier and you have people seriously saying that we should switch to the triple option with our backup RB. This board is incredible.
Perry da gawd. It don't matter how his footwork look. He don't even need feet.
Worst thing I've heard so far is that WR group that got first snaps, and the OL. ******* Darrell Langham, Dayall Harris, Jahair Jones, and George Brown. Literally they all are not good. We must have a lot of guys out for that to be happening. I don't expect that to last till summer.

Rosier looking just as bad as always. Definitely don't want Rosier this yr. I have a feeling Richt is gunna go with him to start week 1 VS LSU cause he's the only one with experience, then we may start Perry from then on. That way Perry doesn't start out with a big game, he could start with 3 easy ones...and also get Weldon a bunch of PT during those as well. It would be an interesting strategy.

Relax, I'm sure off season set the lines for the first day. It would be helpful if Brown started living up to his billing coming out of high school. Maybe the kid put in some work in the off season.