Shannon Dawson: We haven’t used 5, 10 percent of what’s going to be used

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Comments (49)

Sooo many receipts going to be cashed in….

Mario doesn’t let Dawson call his game

Dawson is incapable of calling plays.. He has never been a successful OC. Needs Holgerson.

Too conservative.. Doesn’t spread the ball around. Can’t use TEs.

Funny how a real QB , real playmakers everywhere makes him a genius now.
Dawson has shown he's willing to adapt. Last year Mirabal gave him a play that he incorporated against AtM.

This year he used a play from FAMU that worked against us (Roman reviewed the play last week and said its a play we should steal and this week commented that we used it with a modification).
I think the vast majority of the plays we haven't used are in the running game
The smart thing to do is to keep airing it out to open up the run, and get that going like clockwork. Then as folks start to sell out to stop the pass we start expanding the run playbooks and just gash them there.
Dawson must be like a kid on Christmas morning. He's gone from a limited playbook, due to the limitations he had with TVD, and lack of trust in TVD by Cristobal, to opening up the whole playbook with Ward.
Sooo many receipts going to be cashed in….

Mario doesn’t let Dawson call his game

Dawson is incapable of calling plays.. He has never been a successful OC. Needs Holgerson.

Too conservative.. Doesn’t spread the ball around. Can’t use TEs.

Funny how a real QB , real playmakers everywhere makes him a genius now.
Where's that list that popped up over the summer that ranked Dawson #46 out of 50 OC's 🤣
Where is the Mario won’t let him open the playbook crowd?

We have a qb now we can trust, that’s the difference. Last year they couldn’t say to media (and to please the goofy’s) “yo we running a lot cause our qb sucks”

Between those guys and the "fysical bro" guys, we have nothing but a bunch of

crickets GIF
Have to laugh at the idea that this generation invented narcing on their siblings to try to get out of being grounded. Classic football guy cliche ****.
Trying to scratch out that victim mentality with this generation is an everyday job.

So, do you feel his comment victimizes "this" generation?
Sorry, couldn't resist.

I do agree the example he used is a bad one.
I don't disagree with his statement.
Just a heads up to all the ****y ****heads. We were rolling through 4 weeks last year. Obviously we are in a better predicament solely because our QB isn't brain dead, but these premature victory laps will never not be cringe. Can't even enjoy success around here.
Just a heads up to all the ****y ****heads. We were rolling through 4 weeks last year. Obviously we are in a better predicament solely because our QB isn't brain dead, but these premature victory laps will never not be cringe. Can't even enjoy success around here.
Nah this is nothing at all like after 4 games last year. Trenches are noticeably superior on both sides, overall talent level much higher in basically every spot except maybe DB.
Nah this is nothing at all like after 4 games last year. Trenches are noticeably superior on both sides, overall talent level much higher in basically every spot except maybe DB.
Does that mean that through 3 weeks vs the ****tiest part of our schedule that all concerns should be alleviated?
If things aren't working out for you, there's two ways you can go. You can have a victim mentality. It's easy in today's world, because everybody has it. My daughters are a prime example. I get on the one, and she was like, “Well, Baker did this.” Well, I ain't talking about Baker. I'm talking about you.

outnumbered 3-1 at home coach dawson yet again runs up the gut into a loaded box