Comments (1570)


This is why you guys have GOT to stop listening to fans.

Houston had 3 backs play last year. In 13 games, they COMBINED for 254 carries. Combined. That's 19 running back carries per game, for the entire running back room.

Tune averaged 38 passes per game.

If your QB is throwing is 38 times a game, and your backs are running it 19 times a game, let me know how you come up with "run, run, pass, punt" LOLLL.

Houston also ranked 117th in the country in number of punts.

So they rarely run, they rarely punt, but the offense is run, run, pass, punt.

Please, please stop bringing this bull**** to the board. The vast majority of people here have literally zero brain cells, they're very easily polluted.

Yup, the 25th ranked offense in the country was run, run, pass, punt. I cannot figure out who is more dumb, the Houston fans who posted it originally, or the Miami "fans" who copy and paste it here.......
As a unit we've replaced unrealistic recruiting expectations with unrealistic coordinator hires. It's actually impressive.
He has been in the coordinator position 12 times in the last 14 years. During that time he certainly has had his up and down years, hopefully he has gained and learned considering all that experienced. I like that fact that we are hiring new and young blood, something certainly not true in Mario's last go around. Would like to return to this post this coming December, then we will know if these two (or one) coordinator hires was an A, B, C, or F.
This hire doesn't curl my toes, but I also recognize that it might end up being a really good hire. You never know how guys are gonna perform until they're actually in the weeds hacking away.

The things I like about the hire:
- Love the move to an uptempo O that has the potential to put up a lot of points.
- I actually like that he's from G5. The theory is that he will be hungry like Guidry appears to be. Real hunger and a chip on his shoulder could carry him to success.
- Cribby likes him. Jay seems to be fine with him.

He doesn’t run uptempo. In fact, if you watch the offensive highlights clips posted in this thread, you can catch one of the announcers saying, “houston going with a little tempo here, which they rarely do.” It’s so rare they do it the announcers had to point out that they are doing it.
I really like the stuff he was running at Southern Miss - really creative stuff and Mullens was a badass.
Not gonna be hyperbolic about this but Kyle Shanahan used to rave about Mullens and how prepared he was coming into the pros

Sure it can be coach speak but he’s not really that kinda guy either but Mullens was more successful in SF than he had any right being
Really interesting nuggets from this 2020 article.

Dawson wanted to offer a scholarship to Bennett while he was at Southern Miss (the HC did not let him do it) and he was the main reason Mac Jones committed to Kentucky before flipping to Alabama when Dawson got fired.

Really interesting nuggets from this 2020 article.

Dawson wanted to offer a scholarship to Bennett while he was at Southern Miss (the HC did not let him do it) and he was the main reason Mac Jones committed to Kentucky before flipping to Alabama when Dawson got fired.

Hate when people link a paywall article, not you but Feldman