Scrimmage buzz

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Comments (276)

Great comparison he is no Deebo. But anyone old enough will remember Byers played RB FB and slotted out as aTE.
Yes Loved watching him with my Phins. But Lofton is much faster and more athletic than Byers. Byers was a human bowling ball with great hands.
Yes Loved watching him with my Phins. But Lofton is much faster and more athletic than Byers. Byers was a human bowling ball with great hands.
Dude was also pretty ******* athletic too. Not really a bowling ball. Large yes, but also athletic. I imagine he was at least as athletic as Lofton. If Lofton is more athletic than Keith Byars, then we found a real gem here fellas. Byars ran for over 1700 yards as a running back for Ohio State in 1984. He was the preseason Heisman favorite in 85 as a RB. I think maybe you only remember the old Byars. Dude was plenty quick at 18 years old.

Keith Byars is one of the most athletic people to ever play in the NFL. He legitimately played 3 separate skill positions in the League at a high level. Lofton may be special, but Byars was an NFL Pro Bowler and unanimous All-American.
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Dude was also pretty ******* athletic too. Not really a bowling ball. Large yes, but also athletic. I imagine he was at least as athletic as Lofton. If Lofton is more athletic than Keith Byars, then we found a real gem here fellas. Byars ran for over 1700 yards as a running back for Ohio State in 1984. He was the preseason Heisman favorite in 85 as a RB. I think maybe you only remember the old Byars. Dude was plenty quick at 18 years old.

Keith Byars is one of the most athletic people to ever play in the NFL. He legitimately played 3 separate skill positions in the League at a high level. Lofton may be special, but Byars was an NFL Pro Bowler and unanimous All-American.
I think with Addae gone, Damari is even more likely to stay now.
Besides I think that the staff would be scrambling to look for CBs and thus far they have not given anything close to that impression especially with the way that @DMoney has been reporting it. I know we really need depth but if the staff was worried about Damari Brown leaving i think that would have been much more obvious by now.

Reading between the lines, I think that the staff is very pleased with the top 3 of Porter, Richard and Brown and Powell who is playing Star but is for all practical intents and purposes another CB. The development of Robert Stafford this spring has been very significant as it adds to the overall quality and quantity of depth. Stafford has a very high ceiling so if he can fully earn the staff's trust, we will have 5 very good CBs with 3 of them Brown, Richard and Stafford just beginning to scratch the surface of their potential. This group will get better and better throughout the season and new CB coach Chevis Jackson will play a huge role in this units development.

Demetrius Freeney has been mentioned occasionally during the spring but he has never been singled out by DMONEY or the coaches for being improved and that is concerning but not shocking as not everyone is going to succeed at this level. I'm not certain where the coaches feel that Dylan Day will be the most useful. He can play and has played CB, Safety and Nickel this spring but he is just a true freshman and they can't all be instant impact players. I believe that Ryan Mack and Romanas Frederique are slated to play CB. Mack may play as a true freshman if the opportunity presents itself but I'm fairly certain that Frederique will redshirt.

Getting a CB in the portal would do wonders for depth and in the case Freeney decides to leave for pt elsewhere then 2 CBs becomes paramount.
Talked to someone that was at the scrimmage:

Cam Ward is the real deal - very impressed with him. We haven't had a QB this good in a long time.

2nd player he mentioned was Lofton. Made some incredible plays. Doesn't look great, but is an unbelievable football player.

Was also impressed with Poff - poise and accuracy were two things he mentioned.

Horton is much improved from last year and will be an upgrade from Young. Trader is the real deal. Was starting as George wasn't participating in the scrimmage. Also was saying how good Restrepo has looked this year.

Said Okunlola was with the first team. The size of the OL was unreal. Mentioned Carpenter looks a lot bigger than when he saw him earlier in the offseason. Mentioned Rivers and Cooper being very good. Markell Bell is the biggest human he's stood beside. Was saying how different this team looks compared to Mario's first spring.

DL was very good. Mesidor looks like he's put on good size. Mentioned Cook and Clark as being good additions.

LB's are a lot faster than they have been in recent years and play violently.

Meesh Powell and Damari Brown stood out to him. Patterson had a couple big hits.

Also mentioned how he felt the DB's were being coached up better than last year. Jackson was a very good hire. Expects by the season that the secondary will be better than we expect and have less busts than last year.

Talked about how much better the culture is. Said Manny brought in guys that didn't give AF. No accountability. Mario has been bringing in guys that love football and care about the program. Is very high on the team and says he would be surprised if we don't make the 12 team playoff this year.
Well hot dang! If this report has any teeth, we are going on a "Dragon-Hunt" ...
Dude was also pretty ******* athletic too. Not really a bowling ball. Large yes, but also athletic. I imagine he was at least as athletic as Lofton. If Lofton is more athletic than Keith Byars, then we found a real gem here fellas. Byars ran for over 1700 yards as a running back for Ohio State in 1984. He was the preseason Heisman favorite in 85 as a RB. I think maybe you only remember the old Byars. Dude was plenty quick at 18 years old.

Keith Byars is one of the most athletic people to ever play in the NFL. He legitimately played 3 separate skill positions in the League at a high level. Lofton may be special, but Byars was an NFL Pro Bowler and unanimous All-American.
Didn't know that about Byars in college. I only remember him from his Eagles and Dolphins days. Thanks for the info. Lofton is going to be a beast in this offense. I'm so stoked!
I remember it as a hammy but I fully admit to not being in the frame of mind to actually know. I don't even remember him playing in the bowl game but that's probably a coping mechanism.
Foot. Know he got injured in the bowl game but wasn’t he out mid season with some injury - wasn’t it foot then? Was this a case where it was not healed and needed surgery regardless.
@Caneau is right. Foot. I am 95% positive that I saw him like 6-8 weeks ago (maybe more) in a boot on campus. No crutches or anything like that. He looked pretty good then. Personally, I didn't think at the time that it looked serious, but I'm not a doctor so my opinion is meaningless. The only concern I would have is that I feel like he's already had some foot or ankle issues in the past, so I hope it's not a recurring thing. I think recovery is always trickier when there is an extensive history.

If someone wants to burn through my posting history, I'm pretty sure I posted about it if you want a better timeline of when it was I bumped into him.
@Caneau is right. Foot. I am 95% positive that I saw him like 6-8 weeks ago (maybe more) in a boot on campus. No crutches or anything like that. He looked pretty good then. Personally, I didn't think at the time that it looked serious, but I'm not a doctor so my opinion is meaningless. The only concern I would have is that I feel like he's already had some foot or ankle issues in the past, so I hope it's not a recurring thing. I think recovery is always trickier when there is an extensive history.

If someone wants to burn through my posting history, I'm pretty sure I posted about it if you want a better timeline of when it was I bumped into him.
Looks like Jan 30th so yep, 2 months back;

Also, for those who care, I hope I'm not violating state secrets, but I saw Ajay Allen a couple weeks ago in an arm sling (shoulder?) and today I am 95% sure I saw Mark Fletcher in a soft boot cast. He was on one of those scooters where one leg is elevated and the other pushes it.
Looks like Jan 30th so yep, 2 months back;

Also, for those who care, I hope I'm not violating state secrets, but I saw Ajay Allen a couple weeks ago in an arm sling (shoulder?) and today I am 95% sure I saw Mark Fletcher in a soft boot cast. He was on one of those scooters where one leg is elevated and the other pushes it.
Oh, sheesh, thanks for pulling that up. I had forgotten he was on a scooter. Guess that's a little worse than walking with just a boot.