Recruit Reactions to NCAA news

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz
2 min read

Comments (92)

Dixon didn't seem to enthusiastic with his comments maybe he's Not trying to show his hand with 2 officials left. Pete or Tito where do we stand with Dixon? Is it us vs bama and what are our chances?

IMO he would of commited here already if UM was his choice. I think he goes out of state.
Dixon didn't seem to enthusiastic with his comments maybe he's Not trying to show his hand with 2 officials left. Pete or Tito where do we stand with Dixon? Is it us vs bama and what are our chances?

IMO he would of commited here already if UM was his choice. I think he goes out of state.

Hes said for months now that he wanted to take his visits so that has nothing to do with it imo. **** I read that Bama is the only other option when we kept reading about OSU and NC State just like with Berrios and some other schools when he was all Cane from the day he got offered
Yessir welcome aboard Wyche train almost loaded up, need to start working on next year
IMO Kaaya is pretty much gone. When someone goes from saying "we" to "they" its never a good sign
IMO Kaaya is pretty much gone. When someone goes from saying "we" to "they" its never a good sign

I remember him saying "we" before while he was trying to recruit Berrios and Dixon. He seems awfully quiet these days.
IMO Kaaya is pretty much gone. When someone goes from saying "we" to "they" its never a good sign

I remember him saying "we" before while he was trying to recruit Berrios and Dixon. He seems awfully quiet these days.

I still see a lot of pro um tweets from his mom and him. But if this class was good yesterday it's about to go to another level with or without him
IMO Kaaya is pretty much gone. When someone goes from saying "we" to "they" its never a good sign

He's talking about the bowl. He won't be here. "We" are not going to a bowl this year. "They" are. Ask him questions about the 2014 team and I'll bet you get some "we." You guys really need to back away from be computer lol.
I'm not positive, but didn't he refer to to us as "we" prior to the season? I believe there were multiple times where he said something along the lines of "we are going to have a great year" when asked about how he thinks we will do. I just think that if he was still as strongly committed he would've said "we" based on his previous comments of referring to this years team as "we"
When it comes to Kaaya it is simple. Either he is going to remember who was on him from the very beginning or he is going to get overwhelmed by Johnny-come-lately UCLA. I tend to think it will be the former. If not, next man up and I hope he ends up on our schedule. There is absolutely no use in dissecting the tweets and texts of a 17 year old because they are just that.
Let's focus on the promise today brings instead focusing on the word usage of a HS senior trying to finish his HS career.
I don't think Brad decommits, but if he does we need to call Treyon Harris asap.
I'm in the camp of thinking that Kaaya doesn't decommit from us. But if he were, Treon would not be the first QB I give a call to. I'd call up Sean White who is currently committed to Auburn. All the tape I have seen on him is ridiculous. He is a South florida kid who from what I've seen we never offered.
DL Claudeson Pelon said: That's what's up.....they get a chance to get what they really want and that could put me in a place where I can come in and play and also win and actually play for something bigger than just a ten win season.
Yeah I can fap to that.

Yup. This news is massive on the JUCO front. Still a tough road but JUCO talent is usually looking for one thing, and a looming NCAA cloud will scare most of them off.