QB Judd Anderson commits to Miami

QB Judd Anderson commits to Miami


Comments (2532)

Our QB recruiting so far under Mario has blown cheeks.
I don't care so much about QB recruiting from the HS level as I do recruiting the portal for QBs. It is 2023, you just don't need to take these types of QBs anymore. Wastes a scholarship most of the time. How many Taylor Cooks and Matochas do you need to run through to find a decent one? Even the three-stars and "unknowns" we've been trotting out over the past like 20 years haven't been that good. Non-NFL players, and not good enough to win a lot of games in college types. We've been a 7-5 type program with these ham'n'egger 3-star QB types.

Its not my fault the 4 and 5 star guys we have gotten are cheeks, but you don't stop recruiting them for 3-star types. Just go to the portal and get a guy that has shown he can play at some college level. Everybody's doing it now. Let Judd Anderson go prove he's worth a Power 5 scholarship at Western Kentucky or something and then double back.

Why Miami loves him​

The Hurricanes had four-star prospect Air Noland, ranked No. 84 nationally, at the top of their board for months but moved Anderson up alongside Noland the moment Dawson got a good look at him. Miami’s staff loves Anderson’s size and arm strength (he can throw it over 65 yards) and feels with the system it plans to run over the next few years he’ll be able to see over their wall of linemen and run the offense Cristobal wants.

As with any star rating discussion, percentages matter most. More guys outside the top 20 panned out as top 10 talents than QB’s within the original top 10 because there’s way, way more of them. QB’s ranked in the 80’s, 90’s, and even several ranked in the 100’s at the position that year signed with D1 schools.

There are 2 in a class of their own who will likely be the first two overall picks in the upcoming draft (Young & Stroud). 1 won a Heisman and the other was a two-time Heisman finalist. Both led their respective team to a playoff appearance.

2 of the top 10 were 5*’s (Young & DJ)
3 of the top 10 were 4*s (Stroud, Richardson, & TVD)
5 of the top 10 were 3*’s.

Only 2 QB’s were 5*’s in the 247 composite that year.

The 4* hit rate that year was very low at 3 of 25, which I assume is a bit lower than the norm. 12%.

The 3* hit rate was even more like finding a needle in a haystack, though, when you look at how many of them there were. If approximately 70 3* QB’s signed with D1 schools that year, which seems like a fair estimate based on 247’s signee page, 5 out of 70 is just a 7% hit rate.

I think the takeaway is, at least for me, the very elite kids, let's generously say the top 5, have a solid hit rate (in this case it was 60%). And almost anyone can identify them. Scouts, coaches, fans, the grandmas selling the raffles, etc. After that its a crapshoot somewhat. I do understand your point of their being a bigger sample size in my example of #'s 20+ but my point would be the coaches are far and away better equipped to evaluate these kids than the website flunkies are, and they need to trust their evaluations and ignore the internet rankings. If a coach hits at the "percentages" he's losing his job. Because outside of the top 40 5* and borderline 5* type kids, the percentages say you lose. A coach can land a solid 4* QB every cycle but he better be good at picking the right ones, because if he's throwing a dart at a bag of 4*s he's in trouble. They don't succeed at an alarming percentage. And even with those top kids, you better get it right. So they, and thus we, need to look deeper.

Look at where NFL starting QB's were ranked in HS and you will see a trend. And it's not about randomly picking a 3-star and praying. It's identifying which ones have a good chance and developing into a good QB because the websites sure as **** can't. The internet hacks admittedly really don't project development. They are more WYSIWYG. They are also gun-shy af and look for built-in excuses for why they rank a kid so high or so low so they can defend their mistakes.

Our OC just lit up the field with a QB who was a low 3-star with an 85 rating coming out of HS who was rated #827 in the country, and frankly even in college he had accuracy problems and is projected at best to be a developmental day 3 flier of a take in the draft. Clayton Tune really isn't even that good and Dawson was able to generate a ton of offense with him. Brown, Emory and Judd all have much better tools and arms and much higher upside than he did. I think its as important to identify what highly rated kids to pass on as it is what lower rated kids to take, especially since you're probably going to be pointing NIL at them, and these highly rated QB's flame out at an alarmingly high rate, and they are probably more likely to transfer out at the first sign of adversity. In another thread I did some rough math that pointed towards 80-90%+ of 4 and 5 star QB's never living up to their hype and contributing meaningfully at the first school they committed to. This accounts for flips, flameouts, and transfers. It's hard. Which is why the portal has become a sanctuary for QB fixes these days.

Anyway, stack tools, develop them and play the numbers. The more live arms in a program the better these days.
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I don't care so much about QB recruiting from the HS level as I do recruiting the portal for QBs. It is 2023, you just don't need to take these types of QBs anymore. Wastes a scholarship most of the time. How many Taylor Cooks and Matochas do you need to run through to find a decent one? Even the three-stars and "unknowns" we've been trotting out over the past like 20 years haven't been that good. Non-NFL players, and not good enough to win a lot of games in college types. We've been a 7-5 type program with these ham'n'egger 3-star QB types.

Its not my fault the 4 and 5 star guys we have gotten are cheeks, but you don't stop recruiting them for 3-star types. Just go to the portal and get a guy that has shown he can play at some college level. Everybody's doing it now. Let Judd Anderson go prove he's worth a Power 5 scholarship at Western Kentucky or something and then double back.
What makes this signing any more promising than Taylor Cook, Cannon Smith, Gray Crow, Preston Dewey, Evan Sherrifs, or Payton Matocha. All were 3 star quarterbacks, several talked up as diamonds in the rough. The only three star quarterback that we have signed that was actually productive for us since 2002 was Stephen Morris.
What makes this signing any more promising than Taylor Cook, Cannon Smith, Gray Crow, Preston Dewey, Evan Sherrifs, or Payton Matocha. All were 3 star quarterbacks, several talked up as diamonds in the rough. The only three star quarterback that we have signed that was actually productive for us since 2002 was Stephen Morris.
Malik Rosier. But you can say the same about higher rated guys the didn’t pan out like like Jarren Williams, N’Kosi, Kevin Olsen, Tate, even Cade Weldon.
What makes this signing any more promising than Taylor Cook, Cannon Smith, Gray Crow, Preston Dewey, Evan Sherrifs, or Payton Matocha. All were 3 star quarterbacks, several talked up as diamonds in the rough. The only three star quarterback that we have signed that was actually productive for us since 2002 was Stephen Morris.
His physical tools. Much more than those previous 6.
I don't care so much about QB recruiting from the HS level as I do recruiting the portal for QBs. It is 2023, you just don't need to take these types of QBs anymore. Wastes a scholarship most of the time. How many Taylor Cooks and Matochas do you need to run through to find a decent one? Even the three-stars and "unknowns" we've been trotting out over the past like 20 years haven't been that good. Non-NFL players, and not good enough to win a lot of games in college types. We've been a 7-5 type program with these ham'n'egger 3-star QB types.

Its not my fault the 4 and 5 star guys we have gotten are cheeks, but you don't stop recruiting them for 3-star types. Just go to the portal and get a guy that has shown he can play at some college level. Everybody's doing it now. Let Judd Anderson go prove he's worth a Power 5 scholarship at Western Kentucky or something and then double back.
It’s definitely QB free agency out there

Some people might make it seem like this thought process is making excuses but also consider the NIL money QBs started to ask for

I dunno man. I’m with you if the right high school recruit comes along then go for it but the portal changes the game
Like how does buddy have 13 ints in a wing T?? You only throw the ball 10x per game in that offense if you’re really living on the edge. It’s borderline unimaginable to throw more than 1 pick per game in a wing t offense. wtf are we doing 😅

Why Miami loves him​

The Hurricanes had four-star prospect Air Noland, ranked No. 84 nationally, at the top of their board for months but moved Anderson up alongside Noland the moment Dawson got a good look at him. Miami’s staff loves Anderson’s size and arm strength (he can throw it over 65 yards) and feels with the system it plans to run over the next few years he’ll be able to see over their wall of linemen and run the offense Cristobal wants.


Fold the program.
It’s definitely QB free agency out there

Some people might make it seem like this thought process is making excuses but also consider the NIL money QBs started to ask for

I dunno man. I’m with you if the right high school recruit comes along then go for it but the portal changes the game
Its not like there aren't a few D2, FCS, and G5 QBs that move up to P5 FBS football and ball out as starters, nevermind the ones that become backups. There are Cam Wards every year. Sometimes multiple. There are also tons of former 4 and 5 star studs looking to make a move...it doesn't have to be the obvious ones like Caleb Williams or Quinn Ewers, but Bo Nix, Jayden Daniels...two...disappointing players (not busts, just didn't play their best football) that transfer and find big success.

The only way my brain can wrap around multi-million dollar coaches taking these guys at this level, is, perhaps, you set aside one scholarship a year for these kind of QBs you just take as a lotto ticket. Maybe they have a trait or two that you love (size or smarts or good leadership quality). Thats your one scholarship play money allowance, idk. Maybe some teams factor this into their roster construction...if they get on campus and they are a dud, they transfer and you just replace him with the next lotto ticket? idk. Sooner or later you scratch it off and you win your money back with a guy that will stay until they graduate and they were a good teammate through..or win big enough to make this endeavor worthwhile, perhaps, and you find a starting quality player. idk Plus, you need camp/practice arms, too. These could all be factors in team construction philosophy some teams have.

Matocha was here, got his degree, showed up to practice and threw the ball when needed and I believe transferred out...either way, maybe there is a designated slot on the roster for that guy on every/most rosters. I wouldn't have a problem if that were the case. Someone has to help relay plays, understand the offense, help with general roster construction etc. That can't be a guy that doesn't stay for a few years, so, I get it from that perspective, I guess.
I’m ok with this cat if he’s your number 2 qb ( he better be your number 2). Qb is a crap shoot with HS kids , it’s all about finding , evaluating and developing. That said his stats and completion percentage is a red flag , I’ll be intrigued to watch his Sr film to get a better feel for what he is.

Thank god for the portal , it’s a get out of jail free card for qb recruiting , well…..unless you’re UF.

A lot is riding on Dawson, his offense and Tvd’s season.
Are there any QB's currently in the portal we are interested in?
I anticipate they will still recruit QBs but this kid reminds me of a similar big bodied 6’6 225 QB that was a 3* out of Sheldon HS in Eugene that played at Oregon.