PODCAST: QB Carousel Ft. Roman Marciante and Mark-Antony Richards

Stefan Adams
1 min read

Comments (31)

I was with you at one point. I figured it HAD TO BE the only reason Richt was sticking with Row-sure. But if any of those guys plan to transfer because they weren't named starter, it won't matter when Richt names a starter. Even waiting until the last possible second to name a starter next season can not prevent transfers.

LSU lost two quarterbacks days before their season started. Same with Hockman announcing his transfer days before little brother's season started. There is nothing preventing any of our QBs from saying all the right things about whats best for the team and bouncing 24 hours after Richt names his guy.

If the fear of transfers is what is preventing a QB switch, Richt is delaying the inevitable.

Florida even had a transfer after the second game.
You guys watch too much tabloid news. It’s warped your brains into thinking everything is some dark secret manipulation.

If rick is insane enough to think he’s going to trick all the QBs into staying next year and vapid enough to play an inferior QB and risk losses just to pull off this elaborate scheme, then he should be institutionalized stat.

Rick has bungled the QB situation, but it’s got nothing to do with trying to manipulate guys into not transferring; he’s struggled for about 6 years now signing/evaluating/getting QBs ready.
You guys watch too much tabloid news. It’s warped your brains into thinking everything is some dark secret manipulation.

If rick is insane enough to think he’s going to trick all the QBs into staying next year and vapid enough to play an inferior QB and risk losses just to pull off this elaborate scheme, then he should be institutionalized stat.

Rick has bungled the QB situation, but it’s got nothing to do with trying to manipulate guys into not transferring; he’s struggled for about 6 years now signing/evaluating/getting QBs ready.

Spot on. Its why a standing ovation button needs to exist.

Now we're stuck looking through Craig's list for transfers. I know its not the most popular opinion but if the rumors about Eason wanting to transfer to UM were true, Richt should've fought that battle until he exhausted every last resource. Fck being Mr nice guy to his FORMER employer. Even if Eason never stood a chance to start, the priority should've been building DEPTH at all costs. Transfers of his caliber don't come along often. If the Patterson rumors are true, someone needs their head examined.
From my understanding is that Eason and Grimes were both turned away due to them not accepting Miami's offer the first time. The thought of it is that while it could potentially help to have a second shot at this player, it is to make future players think that Miami is not a fall back if things don't work out when you went elsewhere. "I might want to go to Miami but they will take me if things don't work out at this other school, so I will just go to the other school first."
Corch city. Live it. Love it. Cheer for it.

That's what we've got.
Feeling him light up was in your head. He had energy throughout the entire thing. Not saying he may or may not inside still want to play offense over defense but his excitement did not change. I think it is just people around here have it so in their head that this staff is making mistakes and can't get anything right that they are projecting things now.

I did find it interesting that he wants to dive deeper into academics and wanting to focus on what schools can offer there. I wish some of the questions would have dived a little deeper into what he is thinking about for his major and his life after football.
You make a valid point. Maybe it was in my head.

P.S. You're not a psychiatrist are you? Do I owe you any money for this?
I was disappointed that Weldon did not get more plays....I love his form and quick release and the bullets he throws. Hate me for this but I think he is an athletic Dan Marino who can scramble to make plays or get downfield, I just wish I had seen more of him to determine if my speculation is spot on or not. Kid is smart and I am sick of hearing he ALMOST threw a pick...Perry did throw a horrible pick and Rosier will continue to be Rosier when we play real competition.
Spot on. Its why a standing ovation button needs to exist.

Now we're stuck looking through Craig's list for transfers. I know its not the most popular opinion but if the rumors about Eason wanting to transfer to UM were true, Richt should've fought that battle until he exhausted every last resource. Fck being Mr nice guy to his FORMER employer. Even if Eason never stood a chance to start, the priority should've been building DEPTH at all costs. Transfers of his caliber don't come along often. If the Patterson rumors are true, someone needs their head examined.
I never bought Eason as having any legit interest in wanting to come here and battle a couple highly thought of freshmans. He wanted to go where he’ll be handed the job. Plus he’s close to home.

Eason has the chance to follow Rick here instead of signing with UGA and never seriously considered it.
I think you see Max Johnson (2020) end up here and that probably plays into Richt not taking a QB.
I think you see Max Johnson (2020) end up here and that probably plays into Richt not taking a QB.
Could very well be what Jon and CMR are expecting. But come next summer regardless of who is named the starting QB, in today's national QB happy transfer era, we should at least expect one of the 3 existing QB to transfer after the starter is named, but prior to the season starting (similar to the QB from FSU).

If that is the case and we don't recruit a QB in this cycle and await Max Johnson in 2020 we could go thru the 2019 season with 2 QBs on the roster......highly dangerous.

I suggest we recruit a 3* or try to flip someone this year PLUS a QB transfer for depth. Unless our coaching staff feels 100% sure that none one would transfer. But that could be a dangerous gambling strategy for next year.
I think you see Max Johnson (2020) end up here and that probably plays into Richt not taking a QB.
Johnson has all the tools but he is raw. It is what it is. So how long is it going to take Johnson to graduate from the Ricks short bus QB school? Put me down for wanting to sign a QB in 2019. We need as many as we can get because eventually you get a natural like Williams who can't be messed up by poor coaching