Comments (327)

Love the Frierson talk. The fact they're putting him at Star / strong nickle is the perfect role.

Blades' role is a massive question mark for me. I also believe he's draftable. But what's his spot? Hope he's not too much of a tweener that he is always 2nd/3rd man in at every one of them.
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I’m shocked right now….this is my first time seeing D$. I always assumed that he too was a member of the Black Delegation. LOL. I’ve always read his work, never watched or listened to his videos or podcasts until this afternoon. Good stuff as always, though.
I thought Pete was gonna get ****ed and storm out of the studio when D$ started making fun of him.
I’m shocked right now….this is my first time seeing D$. I aL
ways assumed that he too was a member of the Black Delegation. LOL. I’ve always read his work, never watched or listened to his videos or podcasts until this afternoon. Good stuff as always, though.
I remember when dmoney first did a pod and I realized he was a white dude. It was a shock
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Because Pete's inside info that he provided for free didn't always prove correct. Because providing information and speculation about fickle 17 and 18 year old kids is an exact science.
it wasn't just that. he was little brash and ****y AND a perception was created that he convinced certain players to leave the team early and declare for the draft. it is a perception, not saying it is true.
I’m shocked right now….this is my first time seeing D$. I always assumed that he too was a member of the Black Delegation. LOL. I’ve always read his work, never watched or listened to his videos or podcasts until this afternoon. Good stuff as always, though.
This is by far, hands down, the most insulting thing you can say to a ****** guy. Quite possibly the funniest post in the history of this site.