Diaz: Dallas out for year, speaks on FIU flopping, making players more accountable

Stefan Adams
4 min read

Comments (71)

To think if we had Richt this year there’s no way we lose to FIU or GTech. Easily only have 1 or 2 losses. To come out flat after 3 bye weeks is dumbfounding and the fact we’re still trying to find “leaders” this late in the game is beyond concerning.

He of all people should of known not to rest on the fact we won 3 games in a row and supposedly turned a corner. Anyone with a pulse could see we were not motivated in the least bit on Saturday and that starts at the top. Level of accountability from the coaches to the players sucks to the high heavens.
You’re kidding, right? Richt scored even fewer points per game than manny. Easily have 1-2 losses? Did u watch his teams? Same circus, different clowns.
when I was playing CFB, you jumped offside you sat your *** in the bench. Any penalties you sat your *** on the bench. The total yardage of penalties were added up and that Sunday everybody did up downs even the position coaches for their groups. Head coach would call you to the middle, say what penalty you caused and you lead the way. After it was over you were ready to tee off in a mf’er ***.

that’s what brought out accountability among the players. We were so afraid of what would happen Sunday that we was on each other’s asses all game about being disciplined. Manny trying to make the players hold each other accountable but it won’t work if they don’t fear you and your coaches.
You are exactly right datcaneguy! When playing ball, we feared losing cause it meant the next practice, we were going to run our azzes off. It wasn't 5 up downs, it was miles and gassers. Chit you hated doing, but knew was coming if you lost. It made others, that hated that stuff too, get on you constantly and keep you in line. Not sure what this soft *** stuff of 5 up downs is all about. Make the player absolutely regret losing and make sure the practice after a loss is one they will never want to have again as they are gasping for every ounce of oxygen they can get and then make them run some more!
Will it snow at Duke? These guys would love a snowball fight while Cutcliffe makes Manny look ridiculous. Just a terrible team with zero leadership or will to win.
Based on the way they faqqed out against FIU, I fear it would be a different type of snowball fight.
Forcing 'leadership'. SMH what a joke.

How about giving the spot to the next man up when players **** up.
"That’s a positive sign to rebrand what we’re doing on that side of the ball.”

Why does this motherfvucker talk like his in in marketing?? Substance assshole over messaging fvck face!
One thing that has become obvious is that the players don't have any re6or fear of manny.
Maybe thats why his "messaging" is falling on deaf ears.
I read an article awhile back about Nick Saban’s recruiting philosophy. Yes, he obviously can pick who he wants, but out of 100s of many talented players available, how does he pick the best 25 or so? He said he looks for players who are hyper competitive. Fact is that lots of teams buy recruits, but not all of them have players that play every game with maximum effort regardless of the level of competition. When was the last time Alabama played down to an opponent?

If you don’t have players who take losing personally, doing up/downs for jumping offsides isn’t going to fix it. As far as I know, 247 or Scouts doesn’t include “angry at the thought of losing” in their recruiting rankings. So being #5 in the country recruiting doesn’t mean much if those players aren’t embarrassed at the thought of losing to a G5 team. I don’t know if Richt is mostly to blame, but a lot of these soft players on the defense, which means Diaz had a big part in recruiting them. There just isn’t much you can do to make a non competitive person suddenly be competitive. Even all that stuff about being accountable doesn’t matter. Sure, everyone can be made to understand they are accountable for their mistakes, but that doesn’t mean they will take losing personally. The culture isn’t “broken”, the players just think a game is a game. Obviously it feels better to win, but life goes on if you lose. You can’t fix that with trust falls and jumping jacks.
I once said if I had a team full of Trajan Bandys, UM would never lose because he is a real dawg. But playing with a bunch of pvssies has made him regress every **** week
I don't understand how you need something called the catapult to tell you how hard you are practicing : The players are accountable for other players, no the coaches are accountable to correct poor or lousy play. This team improves in one area then the following week that area regresses, it is so frustrating just play solid fundamental football and we win 9 to 10 games. How do you missed 29 tackles in a game, how do you have 5 t/o's in less than 2 quarters, how do you have a kicker sitting at FIU whose banging 50 yard FG, and we go all the way to Texas for a FG kicker that is making less than 50% of his kicks. Its like Manny is trying to coach through algorithms and not doing actual coaching.