D$ shares exclusive spring practice insights

D$ shares exclusive spring practice insights


Comments (328)

Correct but 12 and even 0 personnel are used a lot too. We’ll be running 11 personnel most of the game because that’s what Dawson‘s offense is but it would be stupid not to use 12 personel when our te’s have wr skill sets and the most talented group. Malory and Arroyo in the slot would have been 12 personnel but let’s be real , that’s wide receivers. Same with Skinner and Arroyo. Te’s in this system is not the same as Gattis’s. They’ll be used completely different.

There’s 70-90 plays in a game , do you really think they’re all going to be 11 personnel? This isn’t madden. Showing 12 personnel makes life hard on a defense substituting because you have to decide if it’s going to be a run alignment or pass , then figuring out which personnel you’ll send out. That’s a huge advantage with our 3 te’s.

I mean why wouldn’t you want your best players on the field? I swear this board takes a little comment and freaks out like teenage girls It’s unreal to me.
Correct! And Going 12 does not mean we're gonna pound the ball in the middle of the line every play (3yds and a cloud of dust, lol). 12 personnel can be deadly in the passing game, as well. You just have to have an OC that knows what the fucc he's doing.
Will be interesting to see how much scheme can impact success. On paper, we're a 6-6 team. Average Joe's. If the "spread" (w/ mediocre OC) & Guidry's new age D works with this rooster, the future will be bright.
Correct but 12 and even 0 personnel are used a lot too. We’ll be running 11 personnel most of the game because that’s what Dawson‘s offense is but it would be stupid not to use 12 personel when our te’s have wr skill sets and the most talented group. Malory and Arroyo in the slot would have been 12 personnel but let’s be real , that’s wide receivers. Same with Skinner and Arroyo. Te’s in this system is not the same as Gattis’s. They’ll be used completely different.

There’s 70-90 plays in a game , do you really think they’re all going to be 11 personnel? This isn’t madden. Showing 12 personnel makes life hard on a defense substituting because you have to decide if it’s going to be a run alignment or pass , then figuring out which personnel you’ll send out. That’s a huge advantage with our 3 te’s.

I mean why wouldn’t you want your best players on the field? I swear this board takes a little comment and freaks out like teenage girls It’s unreal to me.

This, especially the bolded part. If we have TEs that can block and catch (still an if, for most everyone on the team of course) it allows an OC to not have to telegraph plays based on personnel groupings. Add in some motion and you've got instant mismatches. Makes life a lot easier on a QB.
I mean why wouldn’t you want your best players on the field? I swear this board takes a little comms out like teenage girls It’s unreal to me.

You have to understand most of these guys ARE transitioning and ARE undergoing estrogen therapy and their hormone levels ARE all over the place. Those that have been castrated and ARE further along ARE experiencing their first menstrual cycle and ARE freaking out.

Its the only logical explainarion and unfortunately, we all suffer.
I hope we let Dawson cook and be comfortable and not square peg round hole him into bro ball
Timeline for me is 7+ this year, 9+ next year, Top 10 thereafter. Most people on here want 9+ this year. I don’t see it without an epic portal haul over the next two to three months.
Hey grove, don't think it has to be epic! But, the right additions and I could see us stealing 2/4 of unc,fsu, atm, and Clemson. Wr, dt×2, cb/s, rb/qb
All i want is something to look forward to when i walk under the road and up to the turnstile at Hard Rock. Im setting the bar low. Give me some excitement. Couple big plays, little adrenalin
How bad was his injury? I thought it was the standard (so to speak) knee ligament tear. Was it something more akin to Teddy Bridgewater or Robert Edwards?
I have no firsthand information regarding specifics ... simply relaying what has been stated by Cribby and a couple of others close to the program. Apparently ACL + MCL severely damaged and it sounds like there were some post surgery complications. Hence the delayed recovery and prognosis for returning to the playing field. Has to be incredibly frustrating for Citizen ... uber talented and full of desire to get back to it. Hope it all works out to an eventual 100% recovery.
Correct! And Going 12 does not mean we're gonna pound the ball in the middle of the line every play (3yds and a cloud of dust, lol). 12 personnel can be deadly in the passing game, as well. You just have to have an OC that knows what the fucc he's doing.

We fyzical!!

We gonna run the rock downhill.

I was watching some of the RB drills and I have to say I got a little concerned. Chaney looks a bit slow and overweight, and Parrish actually looks like he’s lost weight and is a little thin IMO. I fully expect Fletcher to push for playing time, and does anyone know the prognosis on Citizen, like when he’ll be back?
Well considering in the scrimmage Chaney had a 20 yard TD and another 60 plus yard run I guess our D must be super slow. Unless you we're at the wrong practice. 🤷‍♂️
It’s not a schtick.

I asked a simple question, if there’s no answer then there’s no answer, but it was a pretty straight forward question.
Our DB group will perform better than last year. Our LB group will have a major improvement. Our DLine group was already good. Our offense not being inept will also likely make our Defense look better, even though there will likely be more total plays…

Is your question when will we have All-American/Conference CBs?
Our DB group will perform better than last year. Our LB group will have a major improvement. Our DLine group was already good. Our offense not being inept will also likely make our Defense look better, even though there will likely be more total plays…

Is your question when will we have All-American/Conference CBs?
Those are all future performing statements, not based on past history.

But yes, I do hope you are correct. We won't know until several games into the season.
Why do we do this year after year?

insanity. n. mental illness of such a severe nature that a person cannot distinguish fantasy from reality, cannot conduct her/his affairs due to psychosis, or is subject to uncontrollable impulsive behavior. Insanity is distinguished from low intelligence or mental deficiency due to age or injury.
Those are all future performing statements, not based on past history.

But yes, I do hope you are correct. We won't know until several games into the season.
Correct and last year in the spring/summer the defense was supposed to be a strength, TVD was a 1st round QB and we were hopeful to win 9. Everything is positive this time of year and rarely has it translated to Saturdays.