Comments (1581)

Honestly, they did the same thing last year, and it worked out for them because that momentum carried them to a pretty good class last year. I think that’s Billy’s strategy.
They’ll get theirs for sure

However much like Mario, the jury is out on the goodwill for the future so it could get interesting
Their offense will be far worse than ours thus year… I doubt this is true thanks Mr insider
True, but you do know that for whatever reason, it seems like we’re like the only **** team in the country, that has to “show something” to recruits to keep them home. 😂🤣😂. Jits will sign with **** near anyone, sight unseen….. offenses and defenses, be damned! Miami tho? “**** nah… let’s see what dat offense do, bra”. ****’s comical fr fr. I know it’s not TOTALLY like dat, but it seems like dat.
@DMoney from the 6/20 Bank
- The Florida smoke with WR Chance Robinson (STA) is real but Miami is confident they will lock that one down with a good visit this weekend. Remember, we saw the same UF hype last year only to watch their class crumble. I expect something similar this year, especially once the team starts playing and losing.