Oh boy.
Well let me be clear. I personally couldn't give two ***** about the pic in a 3rd party commitment graphic on twitter lol. So there's that. I don't know the guy at all either, as stated. As I said, this weirdly came across my desk and I had an opportunity to give him guidance on behalf of everyone who caught feelings on this. I was happy to oblige to do a good thing. What happens after that, I've no control over.
FYI I believe there were five commitments (this was the 6th?) since it was addressed so no, it wasn't the "VERY NEXT EDIT." In fact the Shavers one avoided showing a crowd at all:
And I would think if he were looking to troll you he would have called him "3-star Vincent Shavers..." cause that's low hanging fruit with how sensitive you all can be.
And to repeat, he was spoken to again yesterday. As I said, it *feels* to me like he's just an artsy out of touch kid who doesn't get that there are fruit loops in CFB who trigger so easily. He's just about the look. He doesn't GET IT. It's being spoon-fed to him. I don't even get the feel he has a team or is really into sports. He's a designer.
"I thought you had zero reason to lie..."
Wait you think I am LYING about something here lol? Like I am in on some anti-Cane conspiracy? Hey, maybe you're right! Watch out lol.
This ******* place. I can't believe I wasted my time on this ****, I'm going to have like 11 pics from the 4th Q of the MTSU sent to him just to see your heads explode lol.
I love ya baby, but how so?
I get what your saying and obviously I'm not questioning you on that. I know you're replying to someone else but I just thought I'd try to get this back on the same page. I appreciate the effort and I hope that your opinion is what's accurate for the kid. That he's just some artsy twerp. The one thing that stood out to me(I saw the comment you said the other day about how he's been better since then)is I believe this is the first BIG TIME national recruit since he did this with Chance who is a national recruit as well, & it's the national recruits that have empty stadiums in the pics. If it was synonymous with all of them I'd be more willing to say the kid is just clueless. You and I both know there's a ton of money goes into EVERY aspect of college football. Even edits. It's a subtle dig, but it's a subtle dig that supports the narrative our direct competitors for these national recruits throw at them about us playing in front of empty stadiums. I'd really hope this isn't intentional but sooner or later the kids gotta tighten up.
As I said before, it's not a capital offense. Death penalty is not in play here.
But I also don't understand why Hayes Fawcett would not want to do right by EVERYONE involved, from the recruit to the school to the fanbase.
I'm trying not to be too harsh towards anyone, and I can respect "artistic intent". But at a certain point, you want the best possible photo image. Nobody uses an incredible picture of a rockstar emoting...to a half-empty arena. It just looks like ****, even if the lighting was perfect and the color was balanced.
I already said this to @Brooklyndee , my old college roommate is CaneShooter. If Hayes needs pictures...JC has pictures...
I got love for everyone. But at a certain point, I'm not going to defend (or put up with defending) a guy who refuses to take a gentle hint.
Come on, Hayes, do the right thing here.
This board is soft.**** crying about people in the stands? is this real life? Thats what yall get from that photo?
Tell him next time it happensYep. And we were doing so well lol. As mentioned in another thread, I understand and I had someone ask him again wtf. He said it was the only one that worked for a side by side pic(yeah, he doesn't get it). He's not anti-Cane or trying to diss. I think he's just an artsy kid who I don't even think gets the insanity and sensitivity of CFB, why this would even matter to someone. The fact that he used a CFP pic shows how out of touch he is. It's a total facepalm, agree. Anyway, it's been explained to him again, this time a little more slowly and in small words why it triggers people. And now we wait again lol.
So I literally asked this board for pics to send him, and all I got was maybe two responses with the same few low res ones that I found on twitter and google etc too. There really isn't a lot out there surprisingly that works well for an edit. Not defending him, just stating what I saw. Caneshooter pics are most welcome. I will happily pass them along! Let's box him in with product!
This board is soft.
Exactly its probably some people who dont go to the games who live in the area are the ones complaining**** crying about people in the stands? is this real life? Thats what yall get from that photo?
**** crying about people in the stands? is this real life? Thats what yall get from that photo?
Ask someone in Marketing about subliminal messages and how they work.
Kinda funny how his recent Colorado edits show a full stadium when it’s been anything but that.
I don’t give a crap honestly but it’s quite noticeable that’s all
Pudding??....I F-ing Love Tapioca....Wow. If you had the conversation I had with him I don't think you'd think he was capable of scheming like that lol. I really don't think there is anything going on here except what I said. But who knows? We will see. Proof will be in the pudding.
OK, before I obligate JC on this (because I've known him for 35 years, and I do know he likes to get "paid" for his work), I would simply ask if Mr. Fawcett has reached out to UM proper (who employs JC). Because if UM already has some images of their own that are "ready" to be put into edits, that might be the easier (and shorter) pathway.
In other words, I know that JC takes "regular" photos. FIlm (and digital), but I am not sure if he also works on the digital manipulation side (putting things into a format, cropping, using filters, etc.).
To use another example, Jaz (and whoever has taken Jaz's position) has done edits for players in the past, and I'd imagine that she got the "original" images from JC himself, or one of JC's staff photographers.
So before I over-promise and under-deliver, I'm going to reach out to JC and ask him about this craziness.
Hope that clarifies. I simply don't know how the process works, if Hayes is an "independent contractor" and just snags images off of Google, or if he tries to get official images and whatnot from schools. Because, you know, not to bust anyone, but a lot of these edits do include jerseys and logos and whatnot, so maybe I just always assumed that there was already a good working relationship between Hayes and the schools.
I don't want to assume too much here. Just using my law brain and probably overthinking this.