Banda outlines safety depth, talks Bubba Bolden arrival

Stefan Adams
5 min read

Comments (98)

If you got this many guys to rotate is bc you really have none imho and/or you can’t coach well enough to make a distinction on whose the best. Imho is moreso the latter...Guys have to get a flow for the game..the lore they’re in the game, the more their film work preparation kicks in bc they’re in the flow of it.

Banda still mentioning Robert knowles as an option.
Is it coach talk to keep them all motivated or is he serious about rolling.
If you got this many guys to rotate is bc you really have none imho and/or you can’t coach well enough to make a distinction on whose the best. Imho is moreso the latter...Guys have to get a flow for the game..the lore they’re in the game, the more their film work preparation kicks in bc they’re in the flow of it.

Banda still mentioning Robert knowles as an option.

HE said “rob” maybe he was talking about rob Kardashian or black rob ?
If you got this many guys to rotate is bc you really have none imho and/or you can’t coach well enough to make a distinction on whose the best. Imho is moreso the latter...Guys have to get a flow for the game..the lore they’re in the game, the more their film work preparation kicks in bc they’re in the flow of it.

Banda still mentioning Robert knowles as an option.
I don’t think it’s that serious. Quan and red 150 tackles between them. Red had more than the other safeties combined and he only had 60 some. Pretty sure he’s just talking about getting breathers so the starters aren’t getting gassed. And he can’t be all that bad. Secondary has the most drafted players of any group since Bandas been here. And they had but one 4 star among them. He’s much better than I think were giving him credit for.
Its either an indictment on the coach or on the players not seperating themselves. My guess is its on the players here as we dont have much experience back there. He didn’t rotate JJ or redwine out last year so perhaps he is just letting the competition play out. I’m a fan of what hes been able to do with our safeties since he’s been here so I’m trusting Banda here.
I don't think I've seen a coach throw someone under the bus worse than that in..........I cannot remember......

"What was fixed coach?"

"Well the fat **** who didn't show up on time is not here anymore to be honest with you...."

Was that really said.
Is it coach talk to keep them all motivated or is he serious about rolling.
Overall, Banda is excited about the depth that UM is beginning to create at safety, and pointed out senior Robert Knowlesand freshman Keontra Smith as guys that flash at times.

after hearing that about Knowles yet again from yalls amazing savior should that inspire confidence in Knowles or make you question keontra?
The rotating safeties thing makes me ******* crazy even more than rotating OL. You want to do that against Bethune? Go for it. Safety in any defense is a feel and recognition position. What you saw earlier in a game helps with what you see later. Seeing it from the sideline is totally different and you miss opportunities for pattern and formation recognition if you're not in enough.
Overall, Banda is excited about the depth that UM is beginning to create at safety, and pointed out senior Robert Knowlesand freshman Keontra Smith as guys that flash at times.

after hearing that about Knowles yet again from yalls amazing savior should that inspire confidence in Knowles or make you question keontra?

I've got to assume that we still don't have the depth so we are trying to make Knowles feel wanted.
If Banda rolls this dude out against Florida for one play its too many.
If you got this many guys to rotate is bc you really have none imho and/or you can’t coach well enough to make a distinction on whose the best. Imho is moreso the latter...Guys have to get a flow for the game..the lore they’re in the game, the more their film work preparation kicks in bc they’re in the flow of it.

Banda still mentioning Robert knowles as an option.

Seriously. If you read that ESPN article on Ed Reed his former teammates recounted numerous plays he made from picking up tendencies on film and in games. How are our starters supposed to ascend to that level and make those sorts of reads if they are getting pulled every other series.
The rotating safeties thing makes me ******* crazy even more than rotating OL. You want to do that against Bethune? Go for it. Safety in any defense is a feel and recognition position. What you saw earlier in a game helps with what you see later. Seeing it from the sideline is totally different and you miss opportunities for pattern and formation recognition if you're not in enough.

Honest question because I don't know - are in-game player rotations the purview of the position coach, the coordinator, or the head coach?
Honest question because I don't know - are in-game player rotations the purview of the position coach, the coordinator, or the head coach?
Coordinator/Position coach, I've seen.
Stoops was the best DB coach we’ve had over the last 20 years, and his best players stayed in the game. Unless they were injured, or it was a blowout, they took all the meaningful snaps. Our Def. had its best overall year under Manny last year with less rotation in the back seven - and much less zone.

Don’t fix what ain’t broken.

Whike I agree on Stoops but I think Pagamo was great too
Is it coach talk to keep them all motivated or is he serious about rolling.

You just might be right. Didn’t think about that. He does have a duty as a coach to make everyone feel like they’re as important as anyone else.
I don’t think it’s that serious. Quan and red 150 tackles between them. Red had more than the other safeties combined and he only had 60 some. Pretty sure he’s just talking about getting breathers so the starters aren’t getting gassed. And he can’t be all that bad. Secondary has the most drafted players of any group since Bandas been here. And they had but one 4 star among them. He’s much better than I think were giving him credit for.

I can respect that fully. Good points.
This has had me wondering. I believe Felder came with Richt from Georgia. So it’s hard to reconcile that there would be such a disparity between a long time strength coach at a high level SEC program and a guy from Temple.
Maybe Felder was past his prime (some said that about Kehoe ) or for whatever reason just not into it and / or maybe Feely is that young energetic innovative coach that we needed.

I may he wrong but I dont believe Felder was the S&C coach at Georgia. He was just an assistant S&C when he came here.