Article: OPINION: Al Golden must be fired

7 min read

Comments (120)

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Great write up.
emails to Miller aND Fain. .done.
Fight binders with binders
Got any pillars?
**** of a write up OP, good job
Last edited:
Can we run this in the newspaper? Does anyone have any contacts with the Herald or Sun Sentinel or the Student Paper?

I have contacts in the student paper. It would need to be edited though. I could submit it. I've asked in the past and they said they wouldn't censor us.

Also, we don't return till the 12th. It would be a great topic to start the semester and with the national championship that night we can play in the fact that we are so far removed from being on that level.
Can we run this in the newspaper? Does anyone have any contacts with the Herald or Sun Sentinel or the Student Paper?

I have contacts in the student paper. It would need to be edited though. I could submit it. I've asked in the past and they said they wouldn't censor us.

Also, we don't return till the 12th. It would be a great topic to start the semester and with the national championship that night we can play in the fact that we are so far removed from being on that level.

Run with it. Is there an online version?
Can we run this in the newspaper? Does anyone have any contacts with the Herald or Sun Sentinel or the Student Paper?

I have contacts in the student paper. It would need to be edited though. I could submit it. I've asked in the past and they said they wouldn't censor us.

Also, we don't return till the 12th. It would be a great topic to start the semester and with the national championship that night we can play in the fact that we are so far removed from being on that level.

Think it would be an excellent idea. Vitrol is growing in the student body. Everything I've seen on social media is students and young alumni ****ed off and wanting Golden fired.
Can we run this in the newspaper? Does anyone have any contacts with the Herald or Sun Sentinel or the Student Paper?

I have contacts in the student paper. It would need to be edited though. I could submit it. I've asked in the past and they said they wouldn't censor us.

Also, we don't return till the 12th. It would be a great topic to start the semester and with the national championship that night we can play in the fact that we are so far removed from being on that level.

Think it would be an excellent idea. Vitrol is growing in the student body. Everything I've seen on social media is students and young alumni ****ed off and wanting Golden fired.

I get heat for saying that on campus. I still don't think students care.
Can't understand how anyone can stil defend AG after reading that article.
I don't think most care to actively do anything or take a stand but if something is organized or published in the school paper it will get a lot of support.
Can we run this in the newspaper? Does anyone have any contacts with the Herald or Sun Sentinel or the Student Paper?

I have contacts in the student paper. It would need to be edited though. I could submit it. I've asked in the past and they said they wouldn't censor us.

Also, we don't return till the 12th. It would be a great topic to start the semester and with the national championship that night we can play in the fact that we are so far removed from being on that level.

Run with it. Is there an online version?

Of the paper?
I want to punch Blake James in the face.
I tend to agree with the sentiments expressed by the OP, or writer of the article, or whatever you call it.

That said, I think the only legitimate reason to keep Al Golden, the only logical contention one could make for keeping him, is that he will use "the cloud" against us and use it to damage us further from a PR perspective. Now, just like you, I know that "the cloud" excuse is total and complete bullsh!t. With that said, much of the National Media (who does not keep as close an eye on any individual program as its most devout fans) disagrees.

Basically, the administration might be asking themselves "who the **** would want to coach here if we appear not to have any regard for loyalty?" Respect it or not, Golden did stick around with us after this whole "cloud" thing broke out, and firing him now could be a bad move politically. We might be able to bring in an even better coach next year and be able to say that we treated Al Golden fairly.

Note that I am neither agreeing nor disagreeing with this sentiment, just pointing out that it is a legitimate thing. If our administration isn't completely incompetent, this may be one of the reasons they are out there spinning everything. Another reason could be money, as we mistakenly rewarded Golden with a hefty contract for nothing, and the budget might indicate that we need to keep Golden on the payroll another season before we can afford to buy him out and go after a big coaching name.

Just saying, there might be more levels to this than you guys believe. Or, our admin might actually be incompetent, but from our perspective, there is no way to know this absolutely. I think it is a good idea to consider all of the possibilities.

Awesome write-up sir. On top of everything that you stated and the *****-*** move of trying to leave for Ped St this january, the man from all indications has LOST this team. Once you do that it's definitely time to cut ties.
I tend to agree with the sentiments expressed by the OP, or writer of the article, or whatever you call it.

That said, I think the only legitimate reason to keep Al Golden, the only logical contention one could make for keeping him, is that he will use "the cloud" against us and use it to damage us further from a PR perspective. Now, just like you, I know that "the cloud" excuse is total and complete bullsh!t. With that said, much of the National Media (who does not keep as close an eye on any individual program as its most devout fans) disagrees.

Basically, the administration might be asking themselves "who the **** would want to coach here if we appear not to have any regard for loyalty?" Respect it or not, Golden did stick around with us after this whole "cloud" thing broke out, and firing him now could be a bad move politically. We might be able to bring in an even better coach next year and be able to say that we treated Al Golden fairly.

Note that I am neither agreeing nor disagreeing with this sentiment, just pointing out that it is a legitimate thing. If our administration isn't completely incompetent, this may be one of the reasons they are out there spinning everything. Another reason could be money, as we mistakenly rewarded Golden with a hefty contract for nothing, and the budget might indicate that we need to keep Golden on the payroll another season before we can afford to buy him out and go after a big coaching name.

Just saying, there might be more levels to this than you guys believe. Or, our admin might actually be incompetent, but from our perspective, there is no way to know this absolutely. I think it is a good idea to consider all of the possibilities.

Just no.

Re - read the initial post in this thread for clarification. Do it several times of you have to.

Condense & send in letter to Miami Herald, Sun Sent & PBPost editors! Needs to run NOW.

Can we run this in the newspaper? Does anyone have any contacts with the Herald or Sun Sentinel or the Student Paper?
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