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Sounds like some chefcane or vette from Scout going on around here
Richt probably having a heart attack with pink hosting someone. Probably begging him to be safe and not do anything crazy ha
Nesta’s a Cane and he’s trolling UF hard.
I just don’t understand the purpose of these kids . Im 24 now so I guess it’s easy for me to look back and say now but if I was a recruit and knew where I was going I wouldn’t even waste my time playing games like this, especially a week before signing day . What does the recruit get out of **** like this ? Nothing but crazy *** fans of other teams in their twitter mentions. I don’t get it and Nesta ain’t seem like the type but I guess everybody ain’t built the same
I hear ya.

I dont judge. Same time I don’t take anything these kids say, especially on Twitter, seriously.
Richt probably having a heart attack with pink hosting someone. Probably begging him to be safe and not do anything crazy ha

They’re going to end up with grillz big *** Cuban links walking out of KOD shirtless
Richt probably having a heart attack with pink hosting someone. Probably begging him to be safe and not do anything crazy ha

Naw, Richt making chess move. He know savages go with savages.
A lot of guys on here trying to find a way to downplay DSJ positivity regarding PS jr instead of trying to latch on to his willing to risk a ban if he’s wrong.
So many suppposed Cane Fans praying he’s wrong so they can say they’re right and I told you so.

Well I applaud the guy for stepping out and taking the risk of a ban so just so he’s not alone I’ll take a 30 day ban with him if he’s wrong.

Now all you guys that think he’s FOS and a troll you guys should have no trouble taking a 30 day ban if he’s right.Any of you naysayers got the nerve to step up?Valid this isn’t meant for you though cause you’d just crawfish out of it anyways.

So cmon oh ye Of little faith.Step up and put your name in to bet against DSJ if you’ve got the nerve.Mr Twin himself and leader of the BAND INDAY can be the executioner.Lets see whose willing to put up or just STFU.
1st post ever from an original member of the 305 - Hollywood. Want to know who DSJ is ladies? Google Dan Sileo. I guarantee his blood runs Orange & Green.
1st post ever from an original member of the 305 - Hollywood. Want to know who DSJ is ladies? Google Dan Sileo. I guarantee his blood runs Orange & Green.

You’re like years late to the party.
Nesta ensuring NSD will either be the greatest date in Miami recruiting since I don’t know when or worst since 2013.

I’d argue this would be worse than 2013.

We ended up with Coley and Grace that day, despite losing Thomas, Kirkland, Bostwick and Bryant.

Losing all of the AH4 and only ending up with Ezzard would be absolutely catastrophic.

If this doesn’t prove to the mods that your only purpose on this site is to spread doom and gloom, I don’t know what does.

This is the textbook definition of a troll.

Troll away, doom troll.

I was simply furthering the conversation.

Your obsession with trying to get me banned is quite creepy.

I’m not trying to get you banned. You’re doing a bang up job of that by yourself. I’m not going around reporting you post or anything like that if that’s what you mean. But you don’t think it’s been noticed that every single one of your posts is an attempt to troll doom and negative influence.
cant find his thread, but did Moro Ojomo and his dad visit tuesday/wednesday in a secret visit?
Would much rather have him than Chatman tbh.

Bama offered ojomo 2 days ago. looks pretty locked into texas or ou though

Check the location on Ojomo's tweet of a Bama offer.
This or Pete knew as well and had to hold back as well

I think Pete's sources inside the Hecht dried up once they learned he was running game for **** Nose Melki Kawa. Seeing as he just announced he's joining his agency firm, it's not a hard connection to make...

that makes a lot of sense. heard some whispers a bit back that the staff already thought that pete was annoying in year 1, but i didn't think that was the case since he kept getting scoops. then this season info starts drying up, he has a falling out with romberg and the oth guys, abruptly quits reporting, and then joins the staff of an agency that happens to sign norton and herndon? that's a whole lot of coincidence.
Was Pete even breaking anything serious regarding what the staff was doing? I don’t think so.

not so much breaking what the staff was doing or because of any info he broke. they just don't really like him in general.

that being said, rumor mill around campus can be a crapshoot. the agency thing today just seems to bring the things i have been hearing together in a sensible way.

The staff seems to be purposefully silent and sending out wrong info. This is what should be done until we officially lock this place down. UM recruiting was called overrated by Bluestein because we have so much talent down here. Unfortunately that makes it harder cause mf’s Are straight throwing cash at everyone’s families coaches teachers extended family etc.
Stay swift silent and deadly. Attack with overwhelming violence. Let’s close this beeeatch.
It looks like Shaq will be hosting TC snd Pink will host Silvers...not sure about the other visitors

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It really gets my hopes up when insiders confirm little details said by other insiders!

That's interesting because I thought I read that Shaq doesn't like recruiting others according to his pops. He feels either a kid either wants to come or doesn't. This actually might be a good sign with TC because they feel pretty confident. LOL

Just got off the phone with Shaq and told him that he should be extremely honored to have enough trust from the staff to host one of the biggest recruit in the few years with the exception of Shaq Quarterman (lol I should be the host). But seriously Shaq knows this is a really big deal and is excited. They are already making plans for the weekend and they (Shaq and Mike) are excited to have the young guys in their company. He was told that the recruits and host were paired based on personality. I told him to be honest.. but focus on the good... playing as a Freshmen... Being a Freshmen All-American... The new relationship he has started with his mentors... Vilma and Beason .. how when you watch film with those guys or working out with them... The U Family is for real and not just some clich. I told him to tell them boyz they are going pro if they play for Bethune Cookman... so why not do it in front of family and friends at home and bring a PowerHouse back to its former glory. Confident he will show them a good time and he will not turn them away. I don't want to know the details of the visit... these kids want to keep their recruitment I will not ask Shaq to violate their privacy. So I will wait on Wednesday like everyone else

One of the best and most underrated things to say, u have to have him tell them this because they are young and its facts too. I remember being young as **** thinking anyone who dawned a cane jersey was a nfl hall of famer and when u get older u learn it doesnt matter where they go the talent is in the individual person. Thats big time [MENTION=10044]UknowWhat[/MENTION] smart man, these other colleges will brain wash them with that and its a smart tactic on there part something we used to use. ALso the canes family thing is true as well, I watch the giants up in jerz and just recently Landon Collins just said he doesnt even watch bama games they dont care its different with miami guys though they stay close knit to the U while most players hate Saban.
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