2018 WR/DB Xavier Williams, a Hurricane again?

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Xavier: "That is my favorite school so if I have the opportunity to, I would be a Cane again, but I would also keep my options open. I also played with Al Blades Jr. my whole entire little league career, so that can play a role in going to Miami. Me and Al are very close to each other too."

You can't make this up. "Miami is favorite school. Commits to Bama."

Can't wait. We will be on real soon and all these rings chasers will never get to claim a ring of their own.
Also said really close to Bruce and look how UM treated him. Just sayin
Let that kid go to Bama it's his life man, and what up with Sam Bruce walking around like a victim he did it to himself Bata... we need to recruit more nationally alot of these Sofla WR are overrated.
Also said really close to Bruce and look how UM treated him. Just sayin

You mean give a kid multiple chances to get his act together before releasing him to pursue the things that were more important to him full time?

I don't get this mentality that UM is suppose to bend over backwards for these kids when they are doing stupid stuff off the field.
Also said really close to Bruce and look how UM treated him. Just sayin
I look at how Sam treated UM.

I was all so eager to see that dude dice it up on the field but he put himself above the team.

He screwed UM over, not the other way around.
Minority opinion. I don't think Rumph is a bad recruiter it's just SoFla DBs are such divas. Our DBs played lights out this year definitely can coach
I find it amusing that whenever someone puts up a tweet image, Sammy Bruce always finds himself in those tweetbacks, or whatever you call it. Dude is twitterati.
**** its ironic he was being discussed in another thread just a few days ago and I mentioned that he really must be happy there to be the 5th-6th WR on the depth chart and not have transferred yet as a Rs-Jr.

Guess Saban made the decision for him! No need in waiting around for him to make the right choice on his own!

Guess ill go out of on a limb and assume that STA DT that went there (Brandon Ingram?) isnt too far behind. I didnt even see him listed on their depth chart at all.
We should hire him as a grad assistant simply to go to all of the little league games and tell the kids just what it was like in KKK Kountry!