11/12 Update

9 min read

Comments (289)

Appreciate the info, Geo.

There has been an idea that has floated around and I've heard it and I don't know much their is to it but apparently the school wants to make it seem like they did their due diligence in a coaching search but have made up their mind on Butch. I can't confirm that, that's just a rumor for now.

Now this part may **** a few people off. Butch has interest in bringing Mario Cristobal as HC in waiting. If Butch were to be hired, he won't be here for a long time. Apparently Butch has a plan and vision he has set in place on fixing Miami.

I hate every word from this quoted excerpt. Butch is an appealing candidate, but it would be the height of stupidity for them to want to make it seem like they're conducting a thorough search rather than actually doing their due diligence. Typical UM laziness and incompetence.

And Mario as a HCIW would be horrible. Absolutely horrible.
This x100000

I wanted a real search to get the absolute best candidate possible. I also don't want Mario as HCIW. Disappointed.

What also sucks is if it's not Butch it's Chud.
I got excited, and then upset as soon as I saw the Mario as HC in waiting thing.

Butch bringing him in for the recruiting connects. If the team is successful mario will likely get a job somewhere else before butch is gone. He likely figured it would be the best way to get him here by naming him "hciw".
begs the question - would any of the Butch supporters jump off the wagon if he indeed brings Mario in as HCIW? Just curious.

That is extremely disconcerting to me, and Butch is my #1 .

I just can't imagine any reason to give Cristobal head coach in waiting status when there is not a huge demand for him to be a head coach elsewhere. and even if there were a demand for him, let him go coach at UCF or wherever and demonstrate he's worthy to be UM's head coach. If he manages to prove the doubters wrong -- myself included -- we can hire him when Butch retires. But why gift him that windfall now?!

I can say this it would knock Butch down my list behind Herman, Hue, Babers, and Fuente.
Geo, any idea on how long Butch wants to stay? I hope at least 4 or 5 years, which is fine but 2 or 3 even for him is not enough time to hand the keys to Can'tcoachball. Besides, I'm sure Butch wants to hoist that trophy before riding off in the sunset.
begs the question - would any of the Butch supporters jump off the wagon if he indeed brings Mario in as HCIW? Just curious.

Hiring a new coach and immediately naming another new hire as HCIW is an iffy proposition. I'm assuming it would be a formal/contractual thing and raise immediate and constant questions as to when Butch plans to step down. Not sure the program should be going from Golden's mess to a Butch self inflicted uncertainty.

Also, I just can't see Butch going with a neophyte staff, considering he'll be coming in at a discount, it should leave more coin for high quality coordinators. Although, Butch did create a very respectable tree of NFL/CFB coaching talent
great stuffs except HCIW

I do not want Benedict Arnold Cristobal on our next coaching staff.
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Where do I even begin?

Information I have shared with a select few people around this site and some of our staff writers that I was holding out on putting up on here for the past week and a half until Pete got even more info on the situation to confirm what I've heard that's been shared to me and to some of these people as well.

Listen up. A lot to digest here.

A week before Golden was fired an alumni from the 91 team that I mentioned in my previous thread for the consensus from alumni, players, commits and targets that I took and posted here. Mentioned to me Chud would be a frontrunner and that Butch was considered a no go but was still held in high regard by some of the older BOT's.

Chud IS interested in this job. Butch is obviously interested in this job unless you have been living under a rock for the past year.

I can confirm Mario has NOT been phoned yet by Miami to be HC, I'll get into that later. They have not took him serious yet.

I'll mention... Mario is using the kids in the area and local coaches as leverage for this job. Don't be blind to it and it ****es me off. I don't think Mario is ready for this job at all. Anyone can recruit at Alabama, I don't want to hear that as a reason to hire him as well as the fact 'Bama fans and alumni want him out of there. Their OL has become worse under Cristobal.

Schiano did have lunch with JJ, nothing more on that at least for now.

I've heard JJ has been pushing for Butch or new blood. Butch was from the JJ tree if people forget....

Strong is interested despite what he says or media says. Don't listen to the media 24/7. Only real guy in the actual media who does have connect to the program heavily is Barry Jackson.

Chud has somewhat of a proposed staff of guys he would like to bring in that I've mentioned before along the names of Orgeron, Walsh, Dorsey, Patrick and would like to have Cristobal come back in some capacity. Chud was roommates with Mario older brother at the U, they're like family. Didn't surprise me hearing that. Chud wants to inquire about bringing Tommy Moffitt back but I doubt that would happen even if Chud did get the job.

Two weeks ago you would have asked me and I would say this was Chud job to lose. Why do I always mention on twitter that it's been a fluid situation?

Butch has gained steam. A lot. He went from a major **** no to that they're willing to listen to what Butch has to say and wants to do and he has flipped a lot of BOTs minds and has one major one in particular in his back pocket right now that's heavily involved.

Butch has a lot of support and push from the Alumni, current players, and fans. (Keep up the pressure guys! Continue to email and call! Lol)

There has been an idea that has floated around and I've heard it and I don't know much their is to it but apparently the school wants to make it seem like they did their due diligence in a coaching search but have made up their mind on Butch. I can't confirm that, that's just a rumor for now.

Now this part may **** a few people off. Butch has interest in bringing Mario Cristobal as HC in waiting. If Butch were to be hired, he won't be here for a long time. Apparently Butch has a plan and vision he has set in place on fixing Miami.

Butch wants a young energetic staff. Kevin Beard has a good shot of making that next staff if it is Butch. Butch wants to bring Dorsey as Pete alluded to before.

How do I know this? Family of Alex Mirabal the OL coach at Marshall who has heavy ties to South Florida and who Mario would bring as OL coach if he were to be hired and both very close friends. Mentioned to me Mirabal was a bit upset when recently speaking with him. "Butch has interest in bringing Mario as HC in waiting, my godfather was bummed out because he really wanted Mario to get the job and come down and coach the OL but he can't because they coach same position but after Butch gives the keys to Mario, Mario will bring him down."

Is it legit? Yes. Will Mario come? I have no clue and I have my doubts on Mario coming in an assistant HC position because he's pushing for HC jobs.

Do I have doubts about Butch being the lead man... No, I don't and I firmly believe he is. At the moment at least.

Paul DiMare one of the guys who will be most involved in this coaching search, wants Butch and believes Butch will bring a good staff.

Melvin Bratton was at Artie's mother funeral. Mentioned they want Butch from words inside the school and if anyone didn't figure it out yet, very good chance Artie Burns will be turning pro. Bratton believes they shouldn't hire much guys who are high school coaches in the area as it will cause jealousy. I don't know how much truth there is to what I'm about to say but apparently Dana wanted Artie to get his degree so it may play a factor if he decides to go or come back but he's leaning heavily towards declaring at the end of the year.

Wanted to mention we interviewed her on the radio show I come on from time to time for recruiting updates, Caneshades. A week before the Clemson game. She was a very good soul and rest in peace to Dana Smith and much respect to Canes Moms United for what they do.

Back to Butch I have heard it could happen as early as Thanksgiving week. If you have heard of this before, maybe it came through grapevine of someone I told and it was relayed. This I heard since last week.

Do I think it will happen on Thanksgiving week? I have no clue on that part and it's something I just heard.

To all the Butch fans, can you take it as Butch is the favorite right now? Yes. Does it mean he will be hired? No. Two weeks ago he wasn't even seriously considered. He has gained a lot of ground but one of the things that's most concerning is they are taking an extensive look into what exactly happened at UNC while he was there regardless of being cleared.

One of the most encouraging things though is DiMare wanting Butch.

Does that mean Butch is gonna get the job? I can't say yes or no but me and another respected guy on the staff here think it just might happen. Now don't get upset if it doesn't happen, rather share this than continue to keep it in the woodshed for longer.

With that said.... #BBB

Few tidbits on recruiting -

I warned people about Uche and Moss and it looks to have come to fruition now. An issue for Uche which I was told the day of when he was on the phone with Randy Shannon the day after Clemson game is that McElwain did not want to accept his commitment because UF believes they can land some more premier guys at DE.

If you didn't figure it out as well. Uche and Moss used Miami as stepping stone for more offers. Heard this through close sources. TIFWIW. In my honest opinion, next coach needs to be more selective of who we offer, I personally believe we hand out offers to too many kids and sometimes too early for kids who should be picked up later in process if needed.

Miami has two silent commitments. I mentioned one after the Clemson game.(West Palm Beach area who committed over the past weekend) The other is a RB who we have been recruiting for a long time and is waiting to see who the new head coach is. I'm not sure if the latter will still have an offer when next coach comes in depending on what the new coach is looking for.

Miami has a very good shot of flipping Jamel Cook on his visit December 11th. He is very interested and waiting to see who the new Head Coach is at Miami. Interesting things to add here as well and I'm not sure if I shared them before here except for a few people. From a source close to his situation, his mother works at UM. Heard he also grew up a Miami fan FWIW and the issue with Keir Thomas being pushed out of FSU plays a factor.

I would like for the next head coach to make a push at Keir Thomas from Miami Central and actually offer. He might be a bit undersized but he wreaks havoc in the backfield. Miami currently has no DTs committed so this would be very important for next head coach to make a push for Thomas. Auburn is the favorite for his services but he does have a close relationship with current sophomore Miami DE Chad Thomas.

Desmond Phillips is very much interested in coming to Miami and has visited two weeks in a row. I honestly believe he is not a plan B option, I view him as a plan A. Take a look at the film and watch what he does with his legs against some of the best defenses in the area for Jackson. (Columbus, MNW, Central, Hallandale, BTW, etc) As a WR/Returner this kid is a take all the way. Legitimate 4.4 speed.

TIFWIW got a tip through a source on the recent RB we offered, Hamilton. To not be very trusting if a commitment happens. Certain rival school looking to wait to offer at last minute to not scare current commits they have at the position on NSD.

Do you know if they have given any considetion to "outside" candidates?? Herman etc
Or they are going the laziest route they can take and only considering the three names they seem to know.
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Mario as Head Coach in Waiting sounds like postponing a disaster. Make him Assistant HC maybe...MAYBE. But dont name him successor.
Thanks for the info Geo. Any idea if Butch would bring in Rumph?
Whoever Butch wants. Whatever he wants to call them doesn't matter to me. Butch can call whoever ( within NCAA rules) he wants in to get in line with this " plan" he speaks of
If chud is interested does that mean they wait until nfl season is done before they talk with him? Seems like they should talk to him at least if he is interested.
Great news until I saw the HCIW proposition...Mario needs to prove himself in my eyes before being given the keys to the juggernaut Butch builds..
Geo should Archer buy a gallon of petroleum jelly or just 13 oz container?
begs the question - would any of the Butch supporters jump off the wagon if he indeed brings Mario in as HCIW? Just curious.

Won't jump off the wagon; however, I would be disappointed if that occurs.

It would not bother me at all. Mario has some positives that would help this staff out. I dont want him as the HC but if all the HS coaches and kids want him then bring him aboard. He can always get fired or take another job.
Geo, any idea on how long Butch wants to stay? I hope at least 4 or 5 years, which is fine but 2 or 3 even for him is not enough time to hand the keys to Can'tcoachball. Besides, I'm sure Butch wants to hoist that trophy before riding off in the sunset.

Can'tcoachball? You're better than that
So how long exactly in terms of years is 'not very long' in Butch's case?? Somehow I can't see Butch with a 'coach in waiting' situation; that part doesn't sound right to me. In other words Butch will agree to almost anything to get the job?? I wonder if Butch has any other suggestions as to who would be a good candidate for coach in waiting besides you know who? There must be some other names on the table!?

Am I the only one wondering about all of this? Please chime in people....
I don't like the HCIW idea bc it works against us in recruiting. You can't be a HC and be a lame duck the minute you start running the program. Good stuff, geo