The Road to Redemption

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Rogue Gone Maude.
Dec 28, 2016
Well, you're in Purgatory. Right now you may be ****ed off and thinking about making a half dozen threads complaining this isn't your fault, lashing out at the maudes and admins who put you here, or trying to argue this must be a big misunderstanding. ****, maybe you've already done that.

How's that worked for you so far? Rattle enough cages, and eventually it just becomes white noise you might just get what you want anyway. Who's to say? White noise in a desolate landscape. In a nutshell, that's Purgatory.

So why this? Maybe we're hopeless optimists, but we think you just might be a redeemable contributor to CIS. Behind the poRster that got you here, we see a valuable member to the board. And that's no bullsh!t. Because if we didn't believe it, we'd have just banned you. Beyond that, we suggest you start with self-reflection. Look back on your actions and words. See if you can discern for yourself what got you here.

So what now? It's simple, really. You are going to be here for at least 7 days some indeterminate amount of time. How much longer than that is largely up to you. After some time thinking on your misdeeds, and with the help of our Deputized Confessor and Supreme High Priestess of Purgatory @UrineDaloop, we expect kind of hope you will might acknowledge your conduct, confess to it, and express some degree of contrition. To make it easy for everyone to see and respond, we recommend you title that thread: "[Your Poster Name]'s Confession."

Some time after you do (and quite possibly even if you don't), and assuming the confession strikes us as genuine (and quite possibly even if it doesn't), either a mod/maude/admin or @UrineDaloop will open up a thread for you titled: "[Your Poster Name] Redemption (or Parole) Thread." You are free to express your thoughts, provide evidence of your good deeds and changed character, and even have other posters on the board post on your behalf. We may also have some questions for you in the thread, and other posters will be free to speak for or against you. Hope you've reached out to make amends.

The thread will remain open for at least 3 days some time, after which time @UrineDaloop will make a private recommendation to the mods/maudes/admins, which we will weigh heavily in deciding whether you deserve grace or need more time in humble self-reflection and penance in Purgatory. That's it. The road to redemption is right in front of you. Are you virtuous enough to take the first step?
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Just an update. Maude’s can put any poster in Purgatory at anytime until Maude’s are satisfied that the behavior which got the Purgatory bound posters in here has subsided adequately.

For full confessionals and release, the Maude Panel will decide on the recommendation of the Supreme High Priestess of Purgatory.
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