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  1. M

    Citizen Portal

    It depends on what else become available this window. If he is not ready by fall or get re-injured it will be to late to have a proper 2 depth.
  2. M

    Citizen Portal

    Of course the room is underwhelmed but CIS fire breathers have tell us for months how we have the best RB room in the ACC when in reality we have nothing proven except a good RB with a complicated injury. The others are change of pace backs. I firmly believe they will attempt to get 2 portal...
  3. M

    Citizen Portal

    That is why is clear you need 2 portal RB's.
  4. M

    Citizen Portal

    Pretty clear
  5. M

    Citizen Portal

    When has RB been a low value position?
  6. M

    Citizen Portal

    We are clear what position you will need 2 studs. Would like to hear from the fire breathing fans talking and bragging about the RB room.