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  1. AlexCane

    Citizen Portal

    It really depends on Fletcher. If he’s a go, portal (Martinez?), Fletcher and Allen + CWH, Johnson, and Lyles is more than sufficient.
  2. AlexCane

    Citizen Portal

    I sure hope Fletcher is back but I'm suspect about anything this staff says about injuries and return dates. I hope I'm wrong. But let's assume Fletcher isn't back. That leaves likely a portal RB and Allen as the only guys with actual collegiate experience; Johnson has a total of 11 carries in...
  3. AlexCane

    Citizen Portal

    I don't mean to critique the staff because college athletes are unpredictable . . . but assuming that they knew of Fletcher's injury (whatever it is), then why let Parrish and Chaney get away? Either one of those guys with a demonstrated history of actual collegiate production would be really...