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  1. H

    RB Damien Martinez enters the Portal

    I wonder how many 4-7 round juniors Miami has put out the last 20 years.
  2. H

    RB Damien Martinez enters the Portal

    His comment was a demand, not a quip.
  3. H

    RB Damien Martinez enters the Portal

    MIAMI LANDS BEST RB IN YEARS IN DAMIEN MARTINEZ. THE THING YOU CARE ABOUT AND COME TO THE SITE FOR EVERY DAY JUST GOT MAGNITUDES BETTER. CLEARLY YOU'RE THRILLED! (The next 3 pages of posts) Poster 1: "Mortal Kombat, on Sega Genesis, is the best video game ever." Poster 2: "I disagree, it's a...
  4. H

    RB Damien Martinez enters the Portal

    "...liked the family atmosphere..."
  5. H

    RB Damien Martinez enters the Portal

    I heard from the Arizona people that he cancelled because Kentucky doesn't have a family vibe to the team.
  6. H

    RB Damien Martinez enters the Portal

    When guys start posting this you know you're out of the running.
  7. H

    RB Damien Martinez enters the Portal

    I think a lot of the boosters at these schools actually dislike the kids and reluctantly pay them because that's the price to have a good team. I completely believe the structure of the contracts reflect that disdain.
  8. H

    RB Damien Martinez enters the Portal

    Martinez reminds me a lot of this dude....
  9. H

    RB Damien Martinez enters the Portal

    Me thinks he already knows where he's going.