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  1. Felonious Monk

    RB Damien Martinez enters the Portal

    Those were veggies in there?
  2. Felonious Monk

    RB Damien Martinez enters the Portal

    What's your favorite frozen pizza? I'm going to say Stouffer's French Bread Pizza because all the others suck.
  3. Felonious Monk

    RB Damien Martinez enters the Portal

    And his wife.
  4. Felonious Monk

    RB Damien Martinez enters the Portal

    The wife saw that post, didn't she?
  5. Felonious Monk

    RB Damien Martinez enters the Portal

    I see myself as a cross between Popeye Doyle and Frank Callahan, but with the fashion sense of Huggy Bear and the magnetic personality of Axel Foley.
  6. Felonious Monk

    RB Damien Martinez enters the Portal

    Couldn't drink my coffee this morning, so I had to improvise. On the plus side, I rewrote my master's thesis just for fun at lunch time. If Professor Levenson hadn't passed away 15 years ago, I'd have asked him what he thought of it.
  7. Felonious Monk

    RB Damien Martinez enters the Portal

    I've got a rubber hose and anger issues because that ***** Gloria in receiving took the last of my creamer this morning without asking.