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  1. rok

    Word is fletcher is out for the season…

    The phrase "4 is back" may allude to him wearing 4 again, and not necessarily to his health. However, that interview from earlier in the year where he talked about forming a duo with Martinez was a dead giveaway.
  2. rok

    Word is fletcher is out for the season…

    What a blunder that was.
  3. rok

    Word is fletcher is out for the season…

    Talk about a Mt. Rushmore We must cease recruiting Broward for RB talent immediately.
  4. rok

    Word is fletcher is out for the season…

    Who was the last great Miami RB who hailed from Broward?
  5. rok

    Word is fletcher is out for the season…

    I'm just using Ginn as an example that Lisfranc injuries do not have to be a death sentence. Since no one seems to know anything, we should probably plan for Fletch not being available in 2024. However, according to a study by the NIH, 80% of the NFL players studied returned within 11 months, so...
  6. rok

    Word is fletcher is out for the season…

    Tedd Ginn Jr suffered a Lisfranc injury in the national title game and played in week 1 of his rookie NFL season. However, that was before UHellth became the primary healthcare provider for the Dolphins. Fletcher better take his studies seriously.
  7. rok

    Word is fletcher is out for the season…

    I'm just going off the info in this thread since somoene said he may have been rushed back, but I don't remember him getting hurt against BC.
  8. rok

    Word is fletcher is out for the season…

    If Fletcher was hurt late in 2023 and "rushed back" in time to play vs Buttgers, how does UHellth not receive any of the blame when it took exactly 1 non-contact play for him to get injured? To what lengths will you homers go to protect these butchers?