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  1. Gables Cane

    Spring Spring PractiSe #12 - Saturday April 6

    I know you cannot divulge any info that would provide intel to opponents but can we expect some scrimmage stats or nuggets of info like who played well, how the different units looked, etc.?
  2. Gables Cane

    Spring Spring PractiSe #12 - Saturday April 6

    Understand the need for adverts, but today there's a poll + an ad imbedded in EVERY post...not just every page, but every single post...making it incredibly cumbersome to read.
  3. Gables Cane

    Spring Spring PractiSe #12 - Saturday April 6

    Hoya - we don’t say this enough, but thank you for your daily contributions to the forums. It’s appreciated immensely. If we ever meet in person, drinks are on me!