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  1. passitback

    QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

    The snappy nappy dugout? Of course.
  2. passitback

    QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

    LOL, you ******* with me? First you said labia.... A torn ****? LOL... That's kind of funny.
  3. passitback

    QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

    Who guaranteed him a starting spot at Boise State? Is that fact or a rumor?
  4. passitback

    QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

    I smell bull****. 18 starters returning my ***. Sounds like he isn't garnering the interest he thought he would, which would support posters' comments about him being cheeks.
  5. passitback

    QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

    A lot of these dudes have lived in the friend zone, while other dudes were railing their crush. CIS posters: Their crush:
  6. passitback

    QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

    Big facts. He is entitled to drag this process out as long as he wants. That's his choice, his business. The moment a solid portal QB does want in, accept it and tell Ward to seek a home elsewhere.
  7. passitback

    QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

    LOL @ the charades. I got sucked in the first time, aint gonna happen again. As far as I am concerned, JB or Emory will be our starter heading into next season. If we land a solid portal QB, awesome.
  8. passitback

    QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

    We need two more this year, and two more the following year. Depth is absolutely critical ....
  9. passitback

    QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

    We need at least two QBs in addition to Judd.
  10. passitback

    QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

    Sweet... Maybe CJ comes in as QB2, and battles it out with Emory.
  11. passitback

    QBS in the Portal as of 11/28

    Walk ons, bro.