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  1. jkdood

    Gino Resigning

    I'll be happy if we get 2 new glorious coaches. In fact, I wouldn't have minded that much if Gino stayed had that happened. But that's just me. And its comforting in a way to think he took the classy Richt exit.
  2. jkdood

    Gino Resigning

    The insiders suggest he was pressured by some "changes needed" but not exactly "Do it or be canned". Can't always trust this Manny, but wonder what he knows: "Gino resigning Tuesday but reconsidered for 48 hours." Wonder if the intrigue involved (retaining) JD, or what?
  3. jkdood

    Gino Resigning

    At the risk of showing my massive ignorance I'll ask: I haven't seen mention of the pitching and hitting coaches being replaced as well. Is that a sure thing, or depends on who is Gino's replacement? (Oh just saw Pitcher in Rye says whole staff is gone. Guess thats a wrap.)