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  1. Ispyin

    Coaching DC Candidates

  2. Ispyin

    Coaching DC Candidates

    I’m having a hard time deciding which thread is ******* dumber- the offensive coordinator thread or this one i feel as indecisive I mean methodical as mario
  3. Ispyin

    Coaching DC Candidates

    Cc @nystateofmind ? Or nah
  4. Ispyin

    Coaching DC Candidates

    Might as well add this partridge to the list since he named half of America
  5. Ispyin

    Coaching DC Candidates

    OK if you’re not on Gaby’s list for possible defensive coordinator, raise your hand 🙋🏼‍♂️ We go out on a limb big boy
  6. Ispyin

    Coaching DC Candidates

    The thing is Mario is going to try to hire a younger defensive coordinator, but by the time he formerly offers them the job they’ll be getting Social Security
  7. Ispyin

    Coaching DC Candidates

    Personally I’d go after Fraggle. That guy can defend the indefensible.