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  1. Salt

    Off-Topic UAPs and other high strangeness

  2. Salt

    Off-Topic UAPs and other high strangeness

    that is the it plausible to consider it?
  3. Salt

    Off-Topic UAPs and other high strangeness

    @ddann I know we have gone back and forth on this elsewhere. Do you believe Jesus was exorcising actual demons as mentioned in the gospels? If so, would it be fair to characterize demons (or angels) as non human intelligence?
  4. Salt

    Off-Topic UAPs and other high strangeness

    "Jelly Fish" UAP Latest military footage of a UAP flying over a military base in Iraq. Released by "investigative journalist", Jeremy Corbell
  5. Salt

    Off-Topic UAPs and other high strangeness

    Interesting...if they created us should the next question be should they merit our worship as our creators??? And if they created us who created them? 🤔
  6. Salt

    Off-Topic UAPs and other high strangeness

    there seems to be something to this more than people realize. Jacques Vallee who is a pioneer in ufo/uap research (and was featured in /Close Encounters as the French guy) seems to suggest this in his research.
  7. Salt

    Off-Topic UAPs and other high strangeness

    one of my pet peeves is conflating UFOs or UAPs which is a moniker for something that is as of yet unidentified with an actual alien craft (if they even do exist). Seems a lot of these private contractors that get funded through military black budgets are operating with little government...
  8. Salt

    Off-Topic UAPs and other high strangeness

    Under Trump the aliens would be forced to remain at Alpha Centauri until properly vetted. :cool:
  9. Salt

    Off-Topic UAPs and other high strangeness

    Have you seen them? Where else can 4ft humanoids with long spindly arms and legs, big heads, large eyes, and no genitalia get some action?
  10. Salt

    Off-Topic UAPs and other high strangeness

    D money only matters around here
  11. Salt

    Off-Topic UAPs and other high strangeness

    We're all in the same predicament, friend
  12. Salt

    Off-Topic UAPs and other high strangeness

    That is on a need to know basis. 👀
  13. Salt

    Off-Topic UAPs and other high strangeness

    A lid on what? Seems that plenty of it is getting out one way or another. But once it gets out it is the purposeful misinformation, denials, obfuscations, confusion, slander of eyewitnesses/whistleblowers etc. that serves to keep all of it muddled and scare people from saying anything. That...
  14. Salt

    Off-Topic UAPs and other high strangeness

    welp..that was a big nothing burger...only talks about what role they can play yada, yada. Nothing substantive about actual incidents of UAPs and analysis.
  15. Salt

    Off-Topic UAPs and other high strangeness

    Some thoughts on this "ET" mummy...must admit, it looked fake but keeping a healthy skepticism but open mind I decided to do a little research. In a separate release, the National Autonomous University of Mexico had said this: "UNAM on Thursday republished a statement first issued in 2017...
  16. Salt

    Off-Topic UAPs and other high strangeness All I can say is careful what you wish for :alien:
  17. Salt

    Off-Topic UAPs and other high strangeness

    Highlights: Philip Corso is an ex-intelligence officer who allegedly had access to alien artifacts from the Roswell crash and saw the "deceased" alien bodies in some crates stored in a military warehouse. He was assigned to analyze and distribute some of the artifacts of the crash to private...
  18. Salt

    Off-Topic UAPs and other high strangeness

    My understanding is that a lot of this alien tech/artifacts, reverse engineering, etc. is highly compartmentalized and "need to know". It would not be out of the ordinary for some of the military brass to be out of the loop.
  19. Salt

    Off-Topic UAPs and other high strangeness When asked if he would be willing to baptize an alien, Jesuit Brother Guy Consolmagno said, “Only if she asked.” :confusion:
  20. Salt

    Off-Topic UAPs and other high strangeness

    I think this may have been the thinking a while back but there has been a slow and steady infiltration through Hollywood movies, sci-fi shows, and literature that has gradually seeped into the collective psyche. The consequences of disclosure of advanced alien life would definitely be paradigm...