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  1. Rellyrell

    Tears Tide Tears

    Just as long as u know, it’s a non-refundable ticket & u’ll have to pay ur way to Cancun now.
  2. Rellyrell

    Tears Tide Tears

    Listen here, guy. U just stay focused on not joining me on this Bon Voyage trip to Cancun.
  3. Rellyrell

    Tears Tide Tears

    No Doubt; Nick called Bama an entitled, spoiled fan base. They wanted him gone after the 2022 season, & the guy went 11-2 w/ a NY6 bowl win. Lol Unless DeBoer wins a Nat’l Title w/in 3 yrs, the guy can have a Ryan Day like career at Bama & it won’t be good enough. With that being said DeBoer...
  4. Rellyrell

    Tears Tide Tears

    Not to be that guy, but I recall pretty specifically this was said of Kelly & him going to LSU succeeding Ed. Here are the players that left LSU after Kelly’s announcement: 1. 5* Eli Ricks 2. 4* Max Johnson 3. 4* Korey Kiner 4. 4* Deion Smith 5. 4* Trey Palmer (The Eagles say hi on this one)...
  5. Rellyrell

    Tears Tide Tears

    It also reminds me of the Schnelly to JJ transition & the outrage recruits and fans had to this. Bama was going to bleed players who committed to Saban from 2022-2023, but if DeBoer has another great yr, the train won’t be the same, but it’ll still move.
  6. Rellyrell

    Tears Tide Tears

    Talking to us Canes fans, too, that was born in the 80’s. Lol. That’s y I said going back to Butch’s tenure and really seeing it while understanding full context, he was our last great coach. Don’t get it twisted though, Saban was scrutinized heavily too these last few yrs. Bama fans were...
  7. Rellyrell

    Tears Tide Tears

    Just a FYI bro, that cough is going to last for a while. It hits harder in children, but it’s averaging 100 days. I’m back to 100 after being down hard for 10 days, but even w/ me kicking that jawn from 7 weeks ago, I’ll still coughing up an early morning dark yellowish phlegm (then it’s crystal...
  8. Rellyrell

    Tears Tide Tears

    Yeah, I got hit w/ it 7 weeks ago & still feeling the effects. No headache or chills, but heavy breathing, choking on my cough, and just non stop mucous. Hit this remedy up: Morning: -Emergen-C w/ Zinc -Day time Mucinex -Piping Hot Green or Black Tea w/ a severe cough drop, honey, and lime...
  9. Rellyrell

    Tears Tide Tears

    Bruh, what’s good man?
  10. Rellyrell

    Tears Tide Tears

    Dead weight who couldn’t cut it at Bama. Billingsley was f’ing up at Bama & Saban called him out. He literally got his position snatched from him by Latu. I honestly can’t wait to get to that point; stars be damned, give me the guys who are talented, committed, w/ strong work ethics…not coming...
  11. Rellyrell

    Tears Tide Tears

  12. Rellyrell

    Tears Tide Tears

    It’s b/c they live in a bubble. I mean a Bama fan shot & killed another Bama fan b/c she wasn’t mad enough at the game!
  13. Rellyrell

    Tears Tide Tears

  14. Rellyrell

    Tears Tide Tears

    Keep telling ya’ll we r so tame compared to other fan bases. These dudes r completely irrational & it’s literally what have u done for me lately.