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  1. RoboCane

    Canes vs UNC

    ND is going to annihilate UNC
  2. RoboCane

    Canes vs UNC

    Long windup
  3. RoboCane

    Canes vs UNC

    That's why we should do what we do. F the ACC
  4. RoboCane

    Canes vs UNC

    Games over. Our offense isn't doing what it should. Send 0 after Howell the rest of the game
  5. RoboCane

    Canes vs UNC

    Leave Manny in North Carolina tonight
  6. RoboCane

    Canes vs UNC

    I've never liked the ACC and never will
  7. RoboCane

    Canes vs UNC

    F Howell
  8. RoboCane

    Canes vs UNC

    Don't care. BS call but I'll take the penalty. Howell needs a good hit from somebody. He's running around like he thinks he's invincible. F him!
  9. RoboCane

    Canes vs UNC

    But our HC is really good on a slip and slide
  10. RoboCane

    Canes vs UNC

    Manny Diaz has Downs syndrome
  11. RoboCane

    Canes vs UNC

    UNC will make no adjustments at halftime because they know Manny never does
  12. RoboCane

    Canes vs UNC

    Manny fired yet?
  13. RoboCane

    Canes vs UNC

    Manny Diaz is dogshyt
  14. RoboCane

    Canes vs UNC

    The only bright spot is some of these young guys. Please get a competent head coach here before manure ruins them
  15. RoboCane

    Canes vs UNC

    I winder how long it'll take Miami to adjust to the slant, if at all?
  16. RoboCane

    Canes vs UNC

    Looks like another UNC highlight reel being made already
  17. RoboCane

    Canes vs UNC

    Already a sh*t show