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  1. M

    Canes vs UAB

    Fair enough, im not giving up on Uptempo Richt yet but that was weak. Lash wants to a HC one day? Maybe in HS with that performance
  2. M

    Canes vs UAB

    Thats actually an impressive feat if you think about it in a weird way
  3. M

    Canes vs UAB

    Lash err i mean Uptempo Richt went vanilla the first half and we looked terrible. Vanilla or not this is UAB, thats not a great sign
  4. M

    Canes vs UAB

    Bro you're betting on the Canes? Cmom man, diehard fan or not have you not learned anything the last 10 years?
  5. M

    Canes vs UAB

    If Enos/Jarren could average 26 a game, dont you think Lash/King should score more than 31 against UAB? I thought 40+ or this was a disappointment. Guess what? it was a disappointment
  6. M

    Canes vs UAB

    Special Teams were solid. Hedley looked great. Jose looked solid. Pope needs to go play in the portal and let Hall take over PR
  7. M

    Canes vs UAB

    King's running will keep us in some games and add an extra 7-14 points more than we would get normally with any other QB over the last 15 years. Aside from that, offense literally looked like a Richt/Enos mash-up
  8. M

    Canes vs UAB

  9. M

    Canes vs UAB

    Fair enough, ill stand corrected. I just want Miller on the field, start him over Ford then
  10. M

    Canes vs UAB

    Nesta makes a play and then celebrates like a kid on christmas morning so you cant miss him. But consistency every play? Yeah not sure its there...
  11. M

    Canes vs UAB

    start him over Nesta please.
  12. M

    Canes vs UAB

    I said you're trying to make him sound elite with all your hype and "total package" nonsense, not that you said he was elite. LOLOL at "reading comprehension" skills Have a good one man.
  13. M

    Canes vs UAB

    Wow you have finally seen the light. Welcome my friend. Bask in the devils darkness
  14. M

    Canes vs UAB

    Ehh you're trying too hard to make him sound elite. He's far from it, Go watch a Bama game and report back what a real "total package" RB looks like
  15. M

    Canes vs UAB

    Yes but Cam has some runs that are downright frustrating, just running into guys, killing drives. Rooster/Chaney oozing potential, they have higher ceilings but agree they need 1-2 years with Feeley before they are ready to take over for good
  16. M

    Canes vs UAB

    And Uptempo Richt passed away and a Lashlee was born out of his ashes... Was it that hard to run some designed plays to our best WR (Brevin)? Maybe Lash really was going vanilla and trying to save the playbook?
  17. M

    Canes vs UAB

    Its not early anymore. This is mid 3rd quarter. This is just bad plain and simple
  18. M

    Canes vs UAB

    ok playtime is over. Manny and Lashlee get your **** together or youre gonna lose to UAB and be on the hotseat after game 1. WTF is this
  19. M

    Canes vs UAB

    Noooo Manny would nEvER dO tHaT GuYZ!
  20. M

    Canes vs UAB

    Hate to say it but at this point King is just a more dynamic Malik Rosier and Lashlee is officially "Uptempo Richt" I pray to the football gods they prove me wrong...